How do we encourage the science of homosexuality?

by sabastious 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious

    Science is Religion's worse nightmare.

    It works the other way around as well.


  • Pika_Chu

    It works the other way around as well.


    Yes, they will be bitter enemies till the end, I'm afraid...

  • sabastious
    Exactly. As with ANY area where science and the Bible conflict, science is always questioned. The Christian Right will attack gay marrriage just like they'll continue to attack the theory of evolution, and similar scientific priniciples. Science is Religion's worse nightmare. Nobody questions gravity. Of course not, it has nothing to do with God. The questioning of science is really only motivated by religion. If it's motivated by genuine skepticism, then it just amounts to peer review and a true quest for knowledge. If not, it's because it hurt someone's feelings and they start with a number of conclusions/assumptions (the Bible is infallible, it is God's word, and by that, they mean the ONLY true God, the Bible must be taken literally, etc.), and gather "evidence" in an attempt to prove these unfounded claims. Science is a practice in rationality and works the opposite way.

    You are correct, the "at odds with a faith" phenomenon we are talking about can really destroy the progress of true objectivity. It's hard for anyone to continue on with the scientific method when they know their results will directly contribute to the creation of mobs.


  • sabastious

    aSphere, your comparrison is legitimage, but there is no "hermaphrodite debate" going on right now so their is a big difference there.


  • NeckBeard
    How do we encourage the science of homosexuality?


    read Neetchee.

  • Pika_Chu

    aSphere, your comparrison is legitimage, but there is no "hermaphrodite debate" going on right now so their is a big difference there.

    Actually, Sab, these two are related. In a society where people are either male or female, and only men can expect to get married to women--and vice versa--this is a huge problem for hermaphrodites. If a person is a female on paper and a male in real life, and this person wants to marry a female, will he be allowed to, according to the law?

  • sabastious

    Sorry I should rephrase. The hermaphrodite debate doesn't have a global spotlight. Once the homosexual debate is completed and the world finally knows that homosexuality is not evil the world will change.

    The latter supercedes the former because the latter solves the inherent problem of the former which it shares with the latter.


  • laverite

    For anyone interested, an excellent overview of the "causes" of homosexuality was written by neuroscientist Simon Levay (long-time Harvard University neuroanatomy professor, ultimately retired from a research position in San Diego; today he's a full-time author). The article can be found at:

    As far as the question "If homosexuality can be scientifically explained then how do we know it's not a mental disorder?" goes, the same can be said of heterosexuality. We could, therefore, ask this question: "If heterosexuality can be scientifically explained then how do we know it's not a mental disorder?" Simply because something can be explained by science does not make it a mental disorder.

    Homosexualities, bisexualities, heterosexualities are not mental disorders. They are sexual orientations.

  • whereami
  • unshackled

    Some info....homosexuality is no longer considered a mental illness by the American Psychiatric Association (1973), Canadian Psychiatric Association (1982) and the World Health Organization (1993). Even China, who was a little slow, followed suit in 2001.

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