Are you your own worst enemy?

by Terry 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    Ever heard that phrase? "He is his own worst enemy.."?

    Of course, the meaning is obvious: some persons do themselves far more harm than a dedicated enemy could.

    Are YOU your own worst enemy?

    Do you talk when you should listen?

    Do you look for offense in the words of others and leap in to complain?

    Are you quick to turn any disagreement into a fight?

    I think such things are a habit....a bad habit.

    I know people who do this constantly. It causes me to examine my own behavior and check my habitual reactions for signs.

    For example.

    I was a sweet kid. I was quiet and shy. I got picked on. I just drew that upon myself by being meek.

    When confronted I would passively try to avoid trouble. Even to the point of backing away and taking scorn.

    Now, as I got a bit older and involved with Jehovah's Witnesses I think some of that bullying drove me to embrace "the TRUTH"

    because it was covert hostility and passive aggressive in tone.

    Using a powerful weapon on others was intoxicating and filled me with a sense of power and purpose.

    That weapon, of course, was THE BIBLE. I drove that sword in up to the hilt quite often :)

    Ironically, I ended up in prison as a JW for refusing induction into the military. I stood up to the Draft Board, the F.B.I. and a Federal Judge

    with just my bible in hand and a bad haircut and baggy suit.

    Federal Prison was filled with bullies. But, the JW brothers stood together. We brought ATTENTION on ourselves and faced it like it was persecution.

    It set me thinking......ARE JW'S their OWN worst enemies rather than Christendom or Satan or persecutors who hate god?

    Weren't we trained by the Watchtower to BE OUR OWN WORST ENEMIES and them blame others when it came?

    Russell and Rutherford painted targets on their own ass with public hatred disguised as bible truth. They made fun of Catholics, Big Business,

    Patriotism--you name it! If people in society held something dear and precious the JW'S were out to desecrate it in the name of Pure Worship!!

    JW'S don't go out of their way to be meek, mild and even-tempered when they are attacking the cherished beliefs of others.

    They JAM IT IN and break it off at the hilt! Then, they cry "Persecution!"

    Sure, it was okay to mock, belittle, decry and condemn others to death at Armageddon....but, wow! When it came their way...JWs howl like pups.

    But, really....they were their OWN worst enemy!

    Now that we are no longer JWs.........have we found------yet and still...another way to be OUR own worst enemies here on JWN?

    Do we pick fights by polarizing each other with Atheist/Christian baiting, mocking sincerety, drawing a line in the sand just to bring on the rain?

    Or, is there something more constructive in what we say and how we post? Does everything have to end up US vs THEM?

    I'm just wondering...............Do you feel like you've made ANY PROGRESS AT ALL??

  • straightshooter

    I try to behave. I have noticed that often times I am my own worse enemy to those I am close to. I am still working on my imperfections.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Terry, good topic. I recently read a few self-improvement and informative books about psychology and communications. It appears that most of society (especially myself) are horrible listeners and communicaters for any number of reasons. Add to that the constant need for us to appear knowledgable to everyone and the result is nothing but hot air being blown around by a bunch of loudmouths.

  • wasblind

    Hello there terry

    I hope I'm not my own worst enemy, but you have truly given me somethin'

    to think about before I make a reply to someone or start a thread from now on

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    i'm no good at being an enemy. and i only have a few select JW enemies. and probably some online enemies, dunno. but usually i'm cool with everyone, especially myself.

  • Terry

    Personally, when somebody is a bit overbearing in my presence, I do NOW what I never did in the past: I stand up to them in no uncertain terms immediately. The problem is...I go OVERBOARD. I'm not as moderate as I could be. I go for intimidation.

    It is pure OVERcompensation. I don't like it when I do this. I work on it, but, I still feel the old anger when somebody invades my space with disrespect.

    So....being slow to anger doesn't work for me. I must concentrate on finding a middle way between tucking my tail between my legs and getting up in somebody's face. Lately, I try simply stating how I am feeling so the "other" can know where they stand.

    "What you've just said to me I find insulting. Is that how you intended it?"

    That seems to far....

  • tec

    Hits home.

    I can be and have been my own worst enemy many times.

    Get lost in a debate, lose track of what is right in the effort of being right.

    Good topic, Terry.


  • Terry

    Oh are a velvet hammer!

    You get er done without ever offending................and I'm sick of it!! Stop being perfect! Darn ya!

  • wasblind

    " It is pure OVERcompensation. I don't like it when I do this. I work on it, but, I still feel the old anger when somebody invades my space with disrespect."

    The fact that you are able to recognize the thing you would like to change about yourself,

    is showin' the opposite of being your own worst enemy

  • jay88

    I think don't think there is a such thing as progress, other than being honest with yourself.


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