According to an ex-JW who still half-believes in the JWs, we're all a bunch of bitter apostates that can't move on.
Do you agree?
by Broken Promises 36 Replies latest jw friends
According to an ex-JW who still half-believes in the JWs, we're all a bunch of bitter apostates that can't move on.
Do you agree?
Nope. I think we are some of the happiest people on the planet- free of mind control ! At least I speak for myself
[ ] agree
[ ] disagree
[x] don't care what others think
Well, when you get bent over and given the brown glove treatment without the benefit of lube or dinner wouldnt you be bitter?
According to him you should all move on because there's good and bad in all religions.
It's your own fault if you can't move on.
F*** Him.
BTW, I'm happy has a clam.
I think there is a small portion of EXJW's that are bitter, obnoxious and counterproductive. They give the Watchtower real stories to fuel their woe-is-me attitudes and self-imposed victimhood.
But as for the rest of us, we are like spring peaches.
I'd rather be outside now and remain bitter (but slowly healing) than still be on the inside and further risk my mental health (and possible suicide)...
Would that guy say that to a rape victim (mind fucks) or the relative of a loved one who got murdered (df'd/da'd)?
My dad told that to my mom.
He said to stop talking about it (child molestation) and she would be fine and be over it by now.
So ignorant of psychology and the injury (temporary mostly) to our brains that cults do to people.
There is PTSD and social retardation (thanks OP of other thread:) to deal with.
I think we all could have used a good dose of counseling by a professional to deal with the fallout of (here's another one that's impossible to fully get over) losing our loved ones to the cult.
That guy is myopic and clearly showing himself to be a victim, whether he sees he is or isn't.
I am not bitter- I am hap-ppy that I got out almost 25 years ago- soon enough to still have a real life.