... for the moment!
It felt good to spend a day with a non JW gay! :)
by TimothyT 23 Replies latest social relationships
LMAO @ Anony Mous: "just curious to see if I'm right." yeah, riiiiiiiight. Tim, stay the hell away from Anony Mous.
Mad Sweeney
I have given my real name to exactly ONE poster here in the space of a year and a half and that person has thousands of posts and so did I before telling him. Don't be in any rush to ID yourself to people on here unless/until you either A) trust them completely as an old-timer here or B) don't care if you're going to be DFd or not.
So far Anony Mous seems like the real deal, but it is WAY TOO early for both of you to be exchanging real identities, IMO. Of course, it's a free world here, so I'm not trying to be an Internet cop or anything. Just giving my two cents.
Philadelphia Ponos
You just came out of the closet and you already found the perfect guy? When something sounds to good to be true, it usually isn't.
Think About It