The River

by sabastious 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious

    Information today runs through the neighborhoods of the world like a raging river and even the Watchtower has no power to stop it from reaching their members. That river is what swept me away.

    A river is a two way analogy for my experience. The apostate in me would say that, although highly painful and far too long, I am happy where the river washed me up and, now that my wounds have healed enough, I am starting to rebuild my life, for the better. Yet the Witness in me would say that the river is fueled by the power of Satan and has washed me away past the point of no return; I am eternally damned.

    On the tail end of my transition outside of the organization my family saw a certain side of me. I was argumentative and constantly looking for something religious to challenge. Some could, and should have, considered my actions brazen.

    As I reflect, I see the reason for my actions. The river is raging remember? Serious thumps and lacerations are to be expected. I was flailing about in the rapids; completely overwhelmed with new information and cognitive dissonance.

    That's how I felt, like I was swept away. At times I was thrilled and other times I felt pummeled, but finally I washed to the shore to figure out where I was and how I ended up there.

    Surviving such an exit of a high control group as I did has taught me an invaluable lesson: never trust anyone to educate you, but yourself. I can trust others with my heart, I can trust them with my finances and I might actually have it work out, but I have learned never to trust anyone to educate me.

    That doesn't mean I should stop listening to anyone who is trying to educate, in fact I should embrace them even more. They are the pointers and the guides of this world and one day I will join them. Ignoring the educators is like ignoring the signs while driving a car. Could I survive? Maybe, but I would not get to any destinations that I didn't already know the path to.

    I want to travel to the places those signs point to. I want to see for myself whether or not I want to settle in or just pass by. Just because a place is important enough to have a sign point to it doesn't mean it's a place where you necessarily want to live or even stay for any extended period of time.

    I am appreciative that the river swept me away, not because I don't miss and deeply love the people I grew up with, but because it ended up giving me a better chance at finding my true purpose, which is what is so important to them.

    This site is a part of that raging river and I am happy to surf it with you all.


  • NomadSoul

    Very well written Sab.

  • Satanus

    Life on this planet is like a raging river. From the moment we are born, we are grabbed by the current and dragged along. Sometimes, we get stuck on projections or in eddy pools. They too, pass. The way to go, is with the current. We can manuever sideways, but, against the current is exhausting. Good illustration.

    It can be likened to 'the way', which is the meaning of the tao or dao. The book is the tao te ching. Taoism is a study of the way things flow. See


  • LV101

    thanks for sharing your journey and perspective and love the 'raging river' analogy.

    wish we could drop flyers over parking lots of halls inundating those who remain stuck w/facts and reality having availed/trusted themselves to the w/tower's education but at least have HOPE the river rages on.

  • Morbidzbaby

    Wonderful analogy, sab. It describes the journey the vast majority of us have had to face. The raging part is what got me...I have tended to be like that when asking questions of my parents as to WHY things are the way they are when the bible clearly states they are otherwise.

    The thing I have come to realize is that in life and in situations such as this, when the river is raging and you see your family is in the same river and they're drowning with smiles on their faces, you can try to pull them out on your own but they fight you because they think they are fighting for their own lives. Just as in the coast guard, you would risk your own life and safety to save them...but they will fight you for their own survival and not care that they might drag you back into the current. Rescue swimmers are taught to do whatever it takes to subdue a victim so they can be safely saved without injuring or putting the swimmer in danger. Sometimes being hit in the face with the cold hard truth is enough to get them out. And sometimes they just have to be left behind. There comes a point where all you can do is save yourself and let them go. As sick as it is, they are happy they are drowning. And in my case, I know I just have to let them.

  • snowbird


    I suspect that you would be a fine one with which to ride the river.

    I love your imagery.


  • Perry

    I remember when I let the waves of released suppression wash over me, they just kept coming and coming. I was truly surprised at the intensity and duration.

    When you finally hit the shore there is reality and a new beginning. Trusting in ourselves and what seemed right (remember the ring of truth?), is what got us into that mess. Trusting in Christ alone is what got me out.

    Good Luck.

  • sabastious

    Thanks for the feedback and kind reviews. I feel my OP is a good "ballpark" about how it all went down for me. I look at my life as a success story, in it's entirety, even if I died in a car wreck tomorrow. I have always been a competent writer so I would like to think that I am utilizing my skills to help others come to peace as well. Not that I consider myself completely "at peace" anyhow.

    Once I washed up on the shore I had to regain my bearings back within the world. I can't say that it wasn't daunting when I figured out that I have to get back on the raging river to progress further.


  • LV101

    Morbidzbaby --- I hear ya about family still in and acceptance is so hard for me. hopefully will get easier.

  • journey-on

    I like the symbolism of the river. It's a sign of the rhythm of change and movement. To get into the flow of life, you need to ride with tide and go with the flow. Don't fight the current so much and allow the river of life to carry you along. When you do this, you are able to focus on those things that float within reach of your grasp or pass in view of your sight. When you are always fighting the current, life is a struggle and that is what you tend to focus on. When you align your own free will with the Divine will, it is analogous to this....being born along by it.

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