The River

by sabastious 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • thetrueone

    Surviving such an exit of a high control group as I did has taught me an invaluable lesson: never trust anyone to educate you, but yourself. I can trust others with my heart, I can trust them with my finances and I might actually have it work out, but I have learned never to trust anyone to educate me.

    Well said Sab.

  • Morbidzbaby

    LV101, there are days when I still can't accept it and fight like hell with my mom to get her to open her eyes. But most days I just let it go. I know once I leave here I'll have peace. I have a wonderful man who talks sense into me quite often when I get down about my family still in. "Baby, they're happy in their ignorance...just let them be happy".

  • sabastious
    LV101, there are days when I still can't accept it and fight like hell with my mom to get her to open her eyes. But most days I just let it go. I know once I leave here I'll have peace. I have a wonderful man who talks sense into me quite often when I get down about my family still in. "Baby, they're happy in their ignorance...just let them be happy".

    I agree with your husband, let them be happy until you have reason to believe that their veil of ignorance has somehow been lifted or if their lives have turned from bliss. At that time you will be ready to take on the task of being their ambassador to reality.


  • LV101

    Morbidzbaby - like the advice, "Baby, they're happy in their ignorance....just let them be happy" and i'm trying to keep my pie hole shut and let God handle it --- almost like people in 12 step programs learn, or at least try to do. i have to repeat to myself one of the lines off the co-dependent website about admitting i'm powerless over others, what they think, what they do, what they want, yada, yada, and it helps, i think. i've never tried to control/manipulate anyone and my family (the ones i share life with) would verify, but this crazy cult is scary! my husband tells me "if religion makes people a better person then it's good," and i want to choke him. i can't understand why our gov't allows corporations (religions) to fraud people and worse w/this cult.

  • LV101

    sabastious --- good advice/appreciate and makes sense. too logical and i want the cult to go broke and see a happy ending. i'm working at giving up my fantasies.

  • wobble

    Beautifully written Sab !

    The extension to your metaphor is that to step into the raging river, you had to step out of and leave the sewer, slow moving and full of turds, noxious.

    That sewer was the WT.

    The river is mainly clean water, it is fast moving and will take you where you want to go, enjoy the ride !

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