In Riverside Ca. I heard on the news Someone open fire on JW,s at there door.
by jam 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Never had A handgun pulled on me in my illustrious career
as A JW, never heard of anyone personally that I knew.
What in the hell, were we so mindless.
(Strange. My post above showed up blank - and twice I tried to edit it but got error message.)
Here is link to the article found on KNBC's website:
I will post the actual article in other thread.
By Michael L. Kaufman
A Riverside County man who fired a gun at a man passing out religious literature in his neighborhood was arrested Sunday night after a stand-off with Perris officers and the Riverside County Sheriff's Special Enforcement Bureau.
Gino Salinas, 51, of an unincorporated portion of Riverside County, got into a verbal altercation with a man distributing religious literature in the 17,000 block of Dalke Lane at about 3 p.m. Sunday. When the man turned to get back into his car, Salinas displayed a black handgun and fired one shot toward the vehicle. The man got into the car, drove off and called police, according to a Riverside County spokesperson.
Perris police arrived and Salinas barricaded himself inside his house, where family members were also present. Police then evacuated the surrounding homes and tried to negotiate with Salinas to come out. When he refused, the Special Enforcement Bureau took over. At about 9 p.m., after hours of negotiation, Salinas finally came out of his house and was arrested without incident.
No one was injured.
Salinas has been charged with assault with a deadly weapon. The incident is undergoing further investigation.
The TV report definitely said the 'visitor' was a JW, but for some reason that detail is omitted from this article (which was edited at 7:59am today).
I wonder why they would edit OUT the JW reference?
I wonder why they would edit OUT the JW reference?
Because the editor, despite those reported "millions" of hours of preaching over the past 130 years, still doesn't know who JWs are. Or doesn't think his readers do. This is yet another example of how small a dent dubs have made in the grand scheme of things.
Because the editor, despite those reported "millions" of hours of preaching over the past 130 years, still doesn't know who JWs are. Or doesn't think his readers do. This is yet another example of how small a dent dubs have made in the grand scheme of things.
I don't think that's the reason. People do know that it's mostly Jehovah's Witnesses who knock on doors. It seems that it was actually *in* the original article. Also, it was mentioned on the air and also was the *only* story that they used to promo the news during the preceeding show. It looked like it was intended to be the lead story on the 11:00 news until there was a hit-and-run on a motorcycle cop.
I'm thinking someone asked him to edit it out of the summary article.
Maybe local elders - not wanting to lose momentum for the 'Special Month of Activity'??
The issue is not just legality.
The Jehovah's Witnesses practice deception as Bible thumpers,they won't rob you (although there have been rare case of this).What they are *selling* is a religious scam like telemarketers.
The issue is the arrogance of the true believers who think it is their mission to *save the world* for their *truth.* It doesn't matter what view of the world they are promoting. The compulsion to press ones beliefs on another person, even with courtesy and social restraint, lies at the heart of much of the worlds troubles and violence.
If you cold-call at our homes with a message that you declare as vital then you deserve special scrutiny of your teachings,practices and tactics.
A Cove Avenue man reported to policeon Friday evening, April 8, that he found a Jehovah’s Witness religious pamphlet placed on a stool in an entryway to his home.
The man made the report to police because he said the “solicitor” apparently entered his home without permission to drop off the publication.
News stories get edited throughout the news cycle. There could be any number of reasons for rewriting this to generalize the identity of the religious pamphlet distributor. Another editor might have left it in. I'm a former newspaper editor so I know how this works and that was how it struck me. I can tell you one thing for sure: It was not edited out because someone from the outside asked them to.
A basic rule in the news biz has always been: asking the editor to change what ran in the paper is the surest way to make sure it does not get changed. They're very proprietary about this and see themselves as arbiters. They don't respond well to outside editing requests and would be especially immune to such a request from the elders of a congregation of an obscure religious group.