Hi, I'm not new here, been lurking forever, just a new poster. I was a JW for 25 years, Did it all,been out now for 7 years, for the most part have healed pretty good.....but some things can't seem to shake. The thing i'm most regretful of is raising my children in that cult, If i could just re-do that, i think i could be totally over the trauma of the 25 years i was in. But i guess i should feel very grateful that my whole family is out(My Hub, son, & daughter) and i should be totally grateful that my daughter will not be raising my 3 grandaughters (#4 on the way) in that horrible, cultish religion!! I't nearly killed everyone of us, but were out!!! And that is what i need to concetrate on, not on what could have been! So I am here and want to say you all have helped me SOOOO much you cant even imagine!! Doughnuthole
new poster
by doughnuthole 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Little Imp
Welcome, I am fairly new too. I don't post often but I read what other people post as much as I can. I have learned a lot, in particular what a great and caring bunch of people we have on here.
I am glad things are working for you and your family now and how wonderful that you are all out so that you enjoy "normal" things together. The scars do take time to heal but you are in a good place here.
Sometimes I just fall about laughing at the great sense of humour some of these posters have.
Welcome! It's nice to have you here.
If my mother ever decides to leave I know she will have to deal with similar struggles as you. Along with me, all of her kids are socially stunted. She is very hard on herself and she'd would want to blame herself for ours and her troubles.
But I don't put much merrit in that and I try to tell her even if in a covert way. Maybe while I was living the misery that she was enabling I should have spoken up, but "shouldas and couldas" always lead off into an abyss of negativity and stangance. That doesn't mean that I still don't follow those paths more often than I would like. I have to keep reminding myself that although seductive, those mental paths hurt me and possibly the people around me.
You wanted your children to live, and live well, into paradise, don't beat yourself up about that.
Welcome D-Hole! Glad to hear you're out!
For a minute, I thought you were this poster gone awry.
Joined: ~ a year ago
Post Count: 545
Year of Birth: unknown
Welcome doughnut! Glad you're out along with your whole family. Unfortunately, don't think that ever will happen with mine. My parents are in their 60s...not only do I think they'll never leave but at that age CAN'T leave.
My parents are in their 60s...not only do I think they'll never leave but at that age CAN'T leave.
That reminds me of GrandmaJones I haven't seen her post in a while.
I bid you welcome, doughnuthole.
I can only imagine the guilt you must feel over this. As others have said, though, don't beat yourself up. You were only able to leave when you were ready to. It's wonderful to know that your grandchildren wont have to grow up with this pox in their lives. Cheers!
Welcome to the forum and I'm glad to know you made it out with your *whole/doughnuthole* family!
Fortunately for you, the WT was unable to destroy your family.
Some of us are not so fortunate.