NLW's wife
by doughnuthole 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
NLW's wife
Glad you joined this forum. I was good to hear that your family is no longer trapped in the WTS.
Thank-You all for the nice welcomes, like i said you all have helped me so much and I thank-you for that, I hope i to can be a help to some also!! My family is out, but of course some wounds may never fully heal....that being said it feels wonderful to be able to be with my beautiful granddaughters and do normal fun stuff together(i think i may spoil them a bit, because it feels like i've been given a second chance) Again, Thank-you all, You can just call me "Dough"
I never met a donut I didn't like. Nice to meet you.
Welcome, to your new life....It,s great..
Glad you're all out.
Welcome, dnt, I think that we can all be proud of ourselves, we are "SURVIVORS!"
My family is out, but of course some wounds may never fully heal....
They will, in time, you just need some elvish medicine. You and your family have been stabbed by a Morgul-blade.