All out pandemonium breaks out on The Six Screens Conference call... Guest Barbara Anderson and Johnny the Bethelite.

by koolaid-man 236 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2

    I concluded some time back that Rick Fearon's "six screens" has unwittingly become it's own worst enemy. Jw-friendly listeners will be more convinced than before that apostates are unbalanced, unhinged individuals who have a poor sense of proportion. Sadly, Rick generously gives them the evidence to support such views.

    Rick talks about the pandemonium as if it is a positive endorsement. I keep thinking this is like a really bad circus. The thread title also wrongly implies that Barbara Anderson was part of the pandemonium. In fact, I understand her call had ended before the pandemonium occurred. This demonstrates the need to exercise some care when deciding to make announcements.

  • whathehadas

    LOL Listener I meant it as figure of speech. Pure apostacy as in exposing the WT with no fillers. The topics may vary but all in all related to the life outside of the WT control. Spending time on attacking other EX-JWS only distracts away from the real issue on why this board is up in the first place. I'm just saying

  • PublishingCult
    Spending time on attacking other EX-JWS only distracts away from the real issue on why this board is up in the first place. I'm just saying

    Surely, then, there MUST be some person in authority one can write a strongly worded letter to!

  • lovelylil

    steve is right.

    Also I was not hurt by the so called "pandemonium" on the call because as usual Rick blew that out of proportion too. What happened the next day at his church conference call was what upset me so much. Because he knew I did not agree with his view on Johnnie, he decided to allow people to bully me in front of the body of Christ.

    That is really WHY he is a predator. He is just like the WT. If you are not in agreement, you must be against him. And he will attack you.

    I can usually stand my ground better than a lot of ex jws, but imagine if Rick pulled his sh*t with someone that was emotionally depressed or something? He can do a lot of damage because he will LIE and throw people under the bus to protect his own image. It is all about EGO.

  • whathehadas

    Sooooooooo What would be the solution to this problem? Should we pick up a few weapons and take a trip to Bean Town?

  • PublishingCult
    Also I was not hurt by the so called "pandemonium" on the call because as usual Rick blew that out of proportion too. What happened the next day at his church conference call was what upset me so much. Because he knew I did not agree with his view on Johnnie, he decided to allow people to bully me in front of the body of Christ.
    That is really WHY he is a predator. He is just like the WT. If you are not in agreement, you must be against him. And he will attack you.
    I can usually stand my ground better than a lot of ex jws, but imagine if Rick pulled his sh*t with someone that was emotionally depressed or something? He can do a lot of damage because he will LIE and throw people under the bus to protect his own image. It is all about EGO.

    This is one reason why some of us get out of bed in the morning, Lil.

  • PublishingCult
    Sooooooooo What would be the solution to this problem? Should we pick up a few weapons and take a trip to Bean Town?

    Probably not a good idea, lol.

    I do think, however, for all the good the OG xJW's do, there are a lot of fresher younger xJW's coming out and stepping up with a lot to say and with a lot more energy. They are more creative and dynamic. I believe X-JW The Next Generation can boldly go farther than the orginal USS Disco Era apostates have taken the apostate front. In some ways, apostasy is stuck in the mudd and not quite getting the results I believe could be obtained with better fresher ideas in media combined with direct contact with JW's at conventions, kingdom halls, and out in field service. I know it works. I just don't have the time and resources to devote doing more of what I started a couple of years ago. Some of the tools Rick uses, for example, the conference call thing, demonstrating to create awareness with signs with website addies, etc., are good, but not quite used properly since Rick is more like carnival sideshow hawker guy who thinks any old lie is just as good as any old truth.

    Have you heard some of these younger apostates? They rock and they are stepping up working on documentaries and exceptionally delivered information about the organization of JW's with facts and documentation devoid of sensationalism and the spiritual equivolent of bus station pick-pocketing, and mens room stall foot tapping.

    We have got to create a standard for people like Rick to bend his knee to instead of him, and people like him, thinking all knees should be bending to him/them. There has to be a purging, so to speak, to roto-rooter all this shit clogging up the flow of progress and excellent apostasy. I am all for picking up our symbollic torches and pitch forks and chasing Lon Chaney out of town. Let the bodies hit the floor, biotches. ;)

  • steve2

    Rick and the JWs continue to share one remarkably stubborn trait: Any perceived persecution by others is seen as glorious "evidence" one must be on the right path. After a while, the best response to Rick and the JWs is a wordless, sleep-inducing yawn:

  • Farkel


    When I saw your first video in New England there were a zillion red flags waving at me. I left the WTS in 1974. When did you leave again? You don't know how to get people out of the WTS, but you certainly know how to promote yourself and your agenda, whatever it is.

    I've listened to several of your broadcasts and even commented on one of them with my friend Lady Lee.

    You are a self-absorbed promoter and a disgrace to people who are opposers to the WTS.

    I also believe you might be crazy, but I'm not qualified to know.


  • whathehadas

    PC then someone should take a note from Marketing and Media. Competition is the best weapon. Someone should start another Conference Call since this is Rick's MAIN tool and take away his potential callers and exiting JWS. 1............2..............3......Nothings wrong me

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