All out pandemonium breaks out on The Six Screens Conference call... Guest Barbara Anderson and Johnny the Bethelite.

by koolaid-man 236 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil


    You are so right. Rick is using this set up he did to me to boost his ratings. Because otherwise, NO ONE would care about him!

    I am starting a new thread about Rick, please come join the discussion over there. Thanks everyone for your support. Peace, Lillian Cruz, Boston MA

  • MeanMrMustard


    I don't suppose you got to see his bethel ID? I am asking because if Jonny pulled it off the internet somewhere and "fixed" it up, it would be found out rather easily...

    I just listened to the recording again, and Jonny, without hesitation, asked for Mary's email address so that he could send (e-mail) evidence that would lay to rest any doubt in her mind... convenient.


  • lovelylil

    You know what? I changed my mind about the thread.

    Why lower myself to your level? Big man you are for setting up a REAL Christian to be humilited because I was on to your SCAM! How does it feel to know you made a women cry for two days and had to be admonished by her 18 year old daughter???

    This is not over. You have people who are going to take you down for what you did...............and I will be having the last laugh ON YOU.

  • steve2

    Folks, Rick is unwilling to listen. Sadly, though, it doesn't stop him dispensing an embarrassing stream of nonsense.

    He has so much in common with the tactics of the Watchtower Society: Blinding self-promotion and a seductively thin veneer of reasonableness: Step forward and be named, is his astonishingly obtuse advice. Who can forget the silky-voiced elders who "lovingly" invited us by name to talk over our concerns. They well knew us by name and it made not one bit of difference. We were slammed and our losses were significant. Will we step forward again by name and watch our families get further torn apart? Sorry, I have a high pazin threshold but pointless martyrdom ain't my calling.

    Rick is proof that revealing one's name doesn't change one iota the Watchtower's unwillingness to listen and its refusal to be held acountable. In fact, revealing one's name simply gives the organization a larger bulls-eye to aim for. Nice one, Rick . We await further nonsense from you as and when you're "inspired"

  • lovelylil


    NOPE! never saw anything. I think because I was requesting this proof, Rick and his goup set me up at his church. He is not a very nice person. Rick you learned well by the Watchtower how to scam people.

  • lovelylil

    Everyone in my area knows who I am. I am already a famous apostate. More famous then Rick I can assure you that!! But I am not a sensationalist. Rick stoops to lower levels all the time. He is admitting he wanted to use the situation to get further attention for his six screens website.

    Why didn't you use this time to opologize when you obviously hurt me?

    He claims he is a Godly man but has NO concern about making someone cry. Someone who called him a friend about 20 times on the conference call. Rick I wrote a post on my blog a few weeks back called "Be afraid of the Big Bad Wolf". its under the March arhives. I suggest you read it here , because it is About people just LIKE YOU.

  • MeanMrMustard


    Yeah, I actually have the recording playing in the background while I work and he keeps saying that Jonny could be the biggest thing since Ray Franz. You said it correctly in your first statement once you voiced your concerns: We were all taken by the WT, and we have learned our lesson not to be so gullible. It is also strange that he blurred out his face and name on the ID card (Joe said this on the recording and Jonny confirmed it). Wouldn't that leave nothing but the title, the bethal addresses, phone numbers, etc? Nothing unique about that... why not post it? Jonny says he doesn't want it passed around, but why not?.. if all unique markings have been removed?


  • lovelylil

    Yeah, At least I have a picture and name on mine. Do you know how long it took me to find this badge on the internet and change the face and name? 10 minutes!

  • lovelylil

    Johnny the Bethelite;

    If you want I could help you make a Bethel I.D. card for you and you can put any pic on it you want. That way you can keep your "secret identity". What do you think? I did a bang up job with mine, wouldn't you say?

  • wasblind


    even if you don't say another word, Rick has already crashed and burned

    and the treatment of you may have been the final nail in his own demise

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