Anecdotally , from my ( rapidly diminishing number of ) JW contacts , it does seem that the April 30 hour pioneer campaign is going well. Some congregations have over 1/2 the publishers on the pioneer list for April , including all the elders & ms.
April "Pioneers" - a large army
by dozy 41 Replies latest watchtower bible
Aussie Oz
more like the army reserves...
when the play fighting is done they all go home...
those JWs get to puff out the chest and say 'I served', i did!
Remember when the CO visit each KH and he goes over the hour average per pub. they will all be up. So at the end of this service year Aug.31 the field service hours will be way up for the whole world. This will give the GB something to brag about in their next yearbook of 2012. Telling everbody that Jehovah is speeding up the world because the end is near. Totally ADD
Remember when the CO visit each KH and he goes over the hour average per pub. they will all be up. So at the end of this service year Aug.31 the field service hours will be way up for the whole world. This will give the GB something to brag about in their next yearbook of 2012.
Actually, I thought FS hours of aux pios was reported seperately from that of cong pubs...........(?Is that correct? or is it just reg pios that are reported seperate?)........which would mean HIGH counts of aux pios, but only the low-hour pubs will still be reported in the reg pub column. Nat'l aver could be low.
However, CO does report on how many different pubs engaged in the aux pion service for preceding 6 months. Whoo Hoo! THAT will be a BIG number!
My non-Dub sister and I went to visit our JW aunt on Sunday as she had fallen a couple of weeks ago and had bruised her hip (not broken thank god). Anyway, her daughter (our cousin) lives next door with her family and they had all been out in Field Serve-Us for a couple of hours as they're all pio-sneering this month (before The End comes
), and dropped in afterwards. In the course of conversation, I asked how many people they got at home that day. The answer: Not one single person had been at home. But of course, that makes absolutely no difference as long as they can report their time and send it in to headquarters at the end of April.
The Aux pios hours are average in with the rest of the hours they put in during the year. Only the Reg. Pios and Special Pios are reported seperate. The CO will note on his report how many Aux pios during the time of his last visit. Totally ADD
Exactly WHERE is this "large army" that is preeechin' da Gud Nues?
I haven't seen a single JW or a WT tract in my neighborhood.
We have had several different groups invite us to worship with them on Sunday, April 24 but they weren't Jw's.
dont be fooled into thinking this April campaign for Pionsneering as going to be really anything special at all or that huge masses of the R&F Dubs are going hell for leather in doing this, my locality is surrounded by 3 long standing congs with probably close to a 100 pubs in each, I have been living here for 4 years (no one knows me around here) and not surprisingly I've never had a call, or an ass wipe left through the letter box,I've lived in the area since 2004 and never have been called at my other addresses either , since I divorced from my JW wife and moved to an address I lived for 7 years from 1995-2002 I got 1 call from them yet I got countless calls from the bloody Morons! so in 16 years of basically living in an area in which no one knows me I've been called on 1 time ! and just think how many stupid bloody campaigns they have had in all of that time? I'm quietly confident that I'll be uncalled on for the rest of the month, what do you reckon another 16 years? so much for their stupid boasting about doing a world wide work! Like wise as Honesty said I never even see them in the neighbourhood, doing street work in our busy shopping area, and we have 3 main line stations that feed down town serving tens of thousands of commuters day in day out, yet nothing from them!
Exactly WHERE is this "large army" that is preeechin' da Gud Nues?
STAR PIONEERS are always in the car! They drive from this point in the territory, to that point, back over here to the next point, past the first point to another point........take a break...... and they go back to see if the first one is now at home......and look! it's time to drive back to the Hall.......
So, they go out in twos pious-sneering. Way I see it 60 hours between them for calling on the same doors together. Fake.
I heard they're banging on about how it's a huge shout of praise to Jar-Hoover.
Just a shout of boasting, faking hours, exaggerating experiences and cult peer pressure.
I predict there'll be an item in the Kingdumb Ministry asking for a demonstration or experiences based on the 'incentive'.
Un happifying sick making propaganda.