Is there anything from the GB that isn't about them getting Money and Power?

by punkofnice 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    Since I woke up from the delusion of the JW cult, I have seen things very differently.

    It seems to me that all the GB and their suck ups gear up for is MONEY and/or POWER.

    EG. Brothers in cheap salesman suits on the platform. The 'clean' image. The 'campaigns' and leaflet drops. The way Kingdom Halls are financed and loans given with interest from HQ. The way the R&F pay for verything but the GB/Brooklyn, whoever own it all. Assemblies are more like sales seminars. 'Charity' = money for the GB not real relief work for non JW's.

    Is it me or is it just about the cult leaders getting Money?

    Is it the golden rule? He who has the gold makes the rules! ?????????

    I'd value your observations........................

  • stillstuckcruz

    It doesn't all seem to be about money. At least to some. Some genuinely believe that it supports the "World Wide Work" plus New KH's, etc etc etc. Idk where the money goes and I don't ask. Though there have been an awful amount of talks lately discussing donations. "Praise Jah with your 'valuable things' ". Yada Yada Yada. Gets tired after a while. I never donate money.

  • metatron

    It's about power and control first, then money second.


  • DesirousOfChange

    Save your money to give anonymously to those who you KNOW need some financial help.

    Then YOU KNOW it's serving a good purpose.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    They may not even be aware of it but I agree it is all about power and money. anyone that is "humble" will see through it and leave (like Ray)

  • pirata

    It seems to me that the money is for the organization, not the GB. I sincerely doubt te individual GB members gets any large amount of money. Sure money is spent flying the GB all over the place, but I can't imagine flying all over the place to give talks is like a vacation as some have suggested.

    My take: With the not-so-discreet idea that they are the 7 men on this earth that are God's channel to proclaim his "deep truths", they feel the necessity, of keeping their authority concrete and centralized. I cannot recall any one time period seeing so much emphasis on obeying the Governing Body than I have in the past 5 years. A large portion of the current book study book is spent reinforcing the concept of a Governing Body in Christianity. Money is a worry, because if the money dries up, it could be seen as evidence that Jehovah is no longer supporting the work. If obedience dries up, it will undermine the GB's role as the faithful slave. It's a struggle for survival. Not the survival of the Governing Body (leadership concepts shift over time), but for the support of the belief system.

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    I sincerely doubt te individual GB members gets any large amount of money

    I agree with pirata here. However, the governing body donot have to worry about

    the financial crisis,

    what are they going to eat,

    where are they going to live,

    what if my car breaks down,

    what about my retirement,

    oh no the freezer has broken down, etc etc.

    these kind of worries get many people depressed. So even though they are not millionaires, they are free of the financial worries that bog the rest of us down.

    Easy then, in their publications to say " trust in Jehovah".

  • LostGeneration

    Power first, money is the juice that runs the engine.

    They have a perfect setup. They read the "accounts report" every month from the stage at the local hall. This "transparency" tricks everyone into thinking that it isnt about money because the average hall has a few thousand in the account.

    Meanwhile, at headquarters there isn't a shred of transparency. How much do they have there? A hundred million? A few billion? Ten billion or more? If the rank and file really knew, I think a lot of them would finally wake up.

  • miseryloveselders

    MAtthew 25:37-40

    37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

    Somtimes I think they look at this verse and use it to justify their lifestyle both to themselves, and to the average JW that believes they are the so called faithful and discreet slave. What kills me is, these verses dont say anything about funding the lifestyle that they currently live. Didn't say anything about paying for both them and their wive's health insurance, funding trips to exotic countries to deliver talks or oversee so called relief efforts which is nothing more than a glorified vacation. Didn't say anything about financing the local KH's and making money off of the interest in Walkhill, never mind you that the money that built the Hall in the first place came from the publishers in that congregation. Didn't say anything about publishing a ridiculous amount of publications and literature that largely ends up in the closets, basements, attics, and garbage cans of both JWs and nonJWs. Didn't say anything about the Regional Building Committee, the Legal Department at the Branch, funding COs and DOs, along with their wives, and their leased vehicles and furnished apartments or houses they use, along with health insurance.

    And ya know, on top of all that, they still have the nerve to badmouth anyone who seeks further education to support themselves and their families more efficently.

    Hey Watchtower, stop mooching in Jehovah's name!!! Friggin bums!!

  • LostGeneration

    The real problem is the incorrect application of that scripture MLE. Jesus didn't set up a two-class system of Christians, the WT did.

    So the WT uses that verse to soak the rank and file from the bottom up in the name of "supporting Christ's brothers" In the meantime, JWs miss the true meaning of that verse in that they should be helping each other out, and *gasp* even extending charity to others in the form of clothing and food among other things. Instead they hand out cult literature to hungry, and pat them on the back and say "Keep warm and well-fed."


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