Thanks Pelznickel; Look forward to your input. And yes
you are among friends. Welcome.
by jam 21 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks Pelznickel; Look forward to your input. And yes
you are among friends. Welcome.
finally-free; We must give it up, pneumonia is no joke. We
beat the WT cult, surely we can beat this.
Welcome Pelznickel - So glad you found a successful way to quit smoking. They say it's better for the health and I'm convinced that is true. Of course I've fought bronchial asthma much of my life so I never took up the habit. Guess that saved me much stress from trying to cease an addiction and I've heard smoking can be more addicting than even some of the hard drugs. So I feel for any that have struggled to make that change.
I've got three friends that quit with chantix and are still quit years later. It's expensive though, unless your insurance covers it. Someone else I know quit by carrying a bag of carrot sticks around with them, almost like a cig but healthier.
My new year's resolution was to quit, I lasted 5 whole days. I'm proud of that since it was my first try, I didn't use any replacement though. My next plan is to start with the patch and walk, do yoga, or drink water until a craving passes. I seriously can't afford these anymore either. And I tried to go jogging this morning, lasted about a minute before I had to walk. I'm 25! I am so out of shape, it's pathetic.
We beat the WT cult, surely we can beat this.
:What has work for you, stop smoking.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, i.e emphysema. It was either quit. Or suffocate.
Good motivation.
Dan Bug; You are young, don,t wait until you are my old age,
and try to stop. A double wammy, Apostate and then look down
by society for smoking.
Farkel: That,s A very good reason to stop.
The patch always worked well for me. I would get on these smoking binges and would get caught up, then I would run to my local pharmacy and get 30$ worth of 27mg. Nicotene Patches. After about a week of them, the urge to smoke almost totally disappears. The lucid dreaming can be a bit funky, though
Spend a week in hospital after a heart attack
In the 15 years that I had been a smoker, I quit 4 times. The first one lasted almost 3 years. I smoked ONE cigarette while drunk at a party and it was all over. The next time I quit for about 6 months, then decided it would be safe to have a drag off my buddy's cig while drunk in Vegas and it was all over again. The next ended the same way after only a few months.
I quit cold-turkey over 5 years ago. I haven't even so much as picked a cigarette up in that time. Still going strong. I don't even miss it and am pretty much repulsed by cigarettes now. I do still enjoy a cigar with a glass of good scotch every now and then. So far, the cigars have not made me think about cigarettes at all.
I was able to quit I think, because I was READY to quit. I didn't enjoy smoking anymore & felt like dogshit every time I lit up. I think that was the key. Quitting was still the hardest thing I think I've ever done. I think truly hating to smoke was the only thing that held me together. Nicotine addiction is a real bastard.
I would cut drinking straws to cig length just to hold them and flick them. Go through the motions. That helped a lot. Learning to play an instrument can help too when you just need something to do to help get your mind off how much it sucks. I learned to play guitar (kinda). You have to accept that you are just going to feel like absolute hell for about 3 months, the first of which will be utter misery. Once I came to grips with that realization, I just REFUSED to smoke, no matter how bad it got. I Stayed away from situations and things that made me want a cigarette, like campfires, getting drunk, etc.
Lesson learned: You MUST NEVER, EVER pick up another cigarette. You have to give them up ENTIRELY FOREVER. One drag will get you right back where you started.
I can't attest to how the stop smoking drugs work or not. I did it au natural. I would be suspicious of any product or method that claims to make quitting "easy".
Good luck! Hold fast. You can do it.
black sheep; I hope the ticker is better today.
Breck; True, you can never, never, ever pick up A
cigarette after you have quit. Yes the key is
you must be ready to quit. Each time I decide to
quit I end up smoking more, just the thought
of quitting. I also have learn to play the guitar(kinda).
Thanks all for the great advice..