My Study Conductor Jumped Ship - Any Possible Explanations?

by InterestedOne 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • InterestedOne

    They're switching to a Russian language congregation. He is hispanic, and I'm not sure what ethnicity his wife is. He speaks Spanish & English but no Russian. They are both born-ins Also, his wife's father is an elder in another state. Before they were married, his wife spent some time in a Russian language congregation in another state because she thought it was interesting, although she is not Russian. Maybe it's as Danabug said - they could be just looking for something more exciting with more responsive people. If I may generalize, they look to me like the quintessential modern-day young-couple JW's. They look just like the pictures in the magazines. He has an iphone, uses the internet, and his email responses have a similar style to the things I have read by JW apologists online.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Tell him you're interested in learning Russian too. See what his excuse is then (just kiddig).

    'Could it be that his switch might have anything to do with my study being difficult for him,'

    JW Bible study conductors do not do well with confrontation or with Bible students with lots of questions which JWs don't have answers to.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    My Study Conductor Jumped Ship - Any Possible Explanations?

    I'm gonna go out on a limb here.... but first, was his name Jonah? Because I think you might be better off without him.

    [edit: nevermind]

  • dgp

    I think it is very clear that they are dropping you because, as someone said, they doubt you will ever become a witness. I also don't think you have to read any deeper into this.

  • Lozhasleft

    I think you should see this as an opportunity for a narrow escape.

    Loz x

  • Retrovirus

    What dgp and Lozhasleft said. I know that JWs are up for any kind of Bible study because my ex-SIL and I corresponded regularly for years and after a few months she'd say "that's the family news; now for the study. . . ". Didn't even know what is was in those days!

    When I didn't "progress" she set the locals onto me. We lasted another 8 months, and then they abandoned me to Satan also.

    The key is, do you validate their faith by "progressing in the Truth" (aka "growing spiritually" ), or make them uncomfortable by asking too many questions and failing to accept their "authority".

  • InterestedOne

    Yeah, I probably shouldn't read anything more into it. I was just curious if his congregation switch could be a sign of something in JW culture I might not know about. Our discussions would sometimes go in a direction where it looked to me as though he was reaching/stretching to try to make the WT ideas appear rational. I wonder what effect these discussions had on him, but I have no way of knowing because our relationship was not conducive to sharing feelings. It could be that it all seems perfectly rational to him, and as MLE implied, he might think I'm stupid, slow, a waste of time, and is generally sick of me. nice.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    He wants out of your study without losing face and without having to confront any issues you have raised.

    He knows you're not stupid and he doesn't want to find out that he has been.

  • moshe

    he's dumping you- you're no longer acting like a WT fan club member.

  • nugget

    If we take the move at face value JWs are all being told that the end is close and some people are trying to do more, doing foreign language work is one way. If he speaks another language or has taken classes then it is a logical step to move to another congregation.

    The refusal to do email study is another kettle of fish. Thy may have decided that you are too critical and that your approach is not that of humble student hanging on the instructors every word but a critical thinker who is likely to ask uncomfortable questions. If their time is limited you would be too much trouble and your wish to have an unconventional study also indicates that you are a non conformist.

    You are being given the runaround but this actually may be a good thing not a bad one.

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