My Study Conductor Jumped Ship - Any Possible Explanations?

by InterestedOne 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • kurtbethel

    My former conductor got back to me and simply said "there is no arrangement for email Bible studies." I got back to him and said, "what do you mean there is no arrangement? I have a Bible and email, and I can make an arrangement." He responded more specifically saying, "We do not offer Bible studies via email."

    This comment gives lie to the claim that they have an urgent life saving message. If that were true, they would conduct it by email, telegraph, CB radio or any other means available.

    I have found that my "not making progress" was not because of me. I could knock out a chapter in 20 minutes, including looking up everything. It was because of them. I would give my real answer to the canned questions and they wanted the canned answer. They would drone on and on at length to answer a question I had, and often would give elaborate answers that did not answer the actual question I asked. I would try to stick to what was actually written in the Bible, but they would put forth a speculation that went way beyond it, and then blather at length to support their speculation with a combination of urban legends, what passed for "reasoning" and other verses that were often unrelated.

    One example of this was the Genesis 6 "sons of God" who the book claimed left their physical bodies and turned into spiritual bodies during the flood. I asked where the verses were that actually said this. There was a lot of blatherspeak and finally one of them went and found in Job that Satan was on earth and then returned to heaven. That was all he could do to support the claim. Then he resorted to a personal attack about my character that I would not accept the unscriptural claims in their book. This was a typical study. They hindered my progress at nearly every opportunity. Their teaching methods are ineffective.

    Their so called research was also shoddy. I showed how there was no reputable scholar or historian that supported their 607 date, but agreed to keep my mind open about it and allow them to produce some evidence that supported it. Then one day I got the research. It was an article from their literature making that assertion, claiming that the scholars were wrong about it, but without showing any evidence or research from other scholars that would refute it. The premise of their argument was "they are wrong and we are right because we are saying right here we are right". That did not fly well with me and I was subjected to more condescending personal attacks.

    One thing to remember about this religion, is that by nature it is a bait and switch religion. What they say at one point will change to something else when the first claim is no longer convenient or to their advantage. They baited and switched the 1914 generation, and that shows clearly what their standards are.

    watchtower bait and switch religion

  • willyloman

    It's none of those things; he's just moving to a foreign language congo to escape the new "Simplified English WT."

  • InterestedOne

    kurtbethel - Your experience sounds just like mine. Their resorting to personal attacks would drive me nuts inside, but I usually contained myself.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    They would drone on and on at length to answer a question I had, and often would give elaborate answers that did not answer the actual question I asked. I would try to stick to what was actually written in the Bible, but they would put forth a speculation that went way beyond it, and then blather at length to support their speculation with a combination of urban legends, what passed for "reasoning" and other verses that were often unrelated.

    That is a very good description of a typical JD responce. The slippery buggers just won't talk about the actual problem.

  • GOrwell

    kurtbethel: to say their teaching methods are ineffective is a bit disingenious, just because they didn't work for you. Obviously, the same teaching methods work well for thousands of other people! The problem must be you *snicker* ;)

  • InterestedOne

    Yes GOrwell, as the Bible Teach book says on page 7, "Millions have enjoyed using the question-and-answer method when discussing the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. We hope you will too." I tried, but I didn't enjoy being personally attacked when my answer didn't match theirs.

  • kurtbethel

    kurtbethel: to say their teaching methods are ineffective is a bit disingenious, just because they didn't work for you. Obviously, the same teaching methods work well for thousands of other people! The problem must be you *snicker* ;)

    Not so fast. It works well for thousands of people, and not at all for millions. It takes over 5000 hours of their teaching to get someone baptized. So the "problem" is certainly theirs. But given their refusal to ever admit they are wrong, they would have to blame me.

  • serenitynow!

    When I was in, and the book of choice was the Knowledge book, it seemed like I remember there being a 6 month limit on studies. You didn't make progress after 6 months, that was it.

    To the OP, your conductor probably would have dumped you anyway, even if he was not moving away (if that's true). You don't have the right "heart condition," meaning, you dare to challenge their canned, BS, illogical "answers."

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    Interested One, perhaps this might be a great time to walk away. It was bound to happen eventually. Consider yourself lucky you don't have any family trapped in the Cult.

  • moshe
    One thing to remember about this religion, is that by nature it is a bait and switch religion. What they say at one point will change to something else when the first claim is no longer convenient or to their advantage.

    That is a true JW MOA- distract the questioner, then subsitute something else and then go on with the study. They also love loaded language, that only a lawyer could appreciate. Reminds me of the cellphone companies advertising "unlimited Interrnet access", which they will let you to believe means unlimited data downloads,(read the fine print after your first big data charge) but in reality it is no differnet than Wamart saying we have "unlimited store access", but anything you want to take home costs extra.

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