Why not fire the god who bears a grudge and hire a better one?

by Terry 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Star tiger
    Star tiger

    I'm with you Terry, as someone once said the god of the old testament is a barbaric bully and most of the bible tell us that mankind is crap, what's that going to do to your self esteem, let's give man a chance as God is a no show, I thinks it's about time that we celebrate what we humanity have done, if it was down to the Jehovah's witnesses millions would have died from now curable illnesses and we would have no scientific careers!

    Jehovahs witnesses careers convention

    Anything you want to do in your life as Long as it's a window cleaner, LOL

    Star Tiger

  • Terry

    If you stop and think about it, any relationship where one party belittles the other and then offers love if they comply with demands would be

    identified as ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP.

    Yet, this is the relationship between God and man as portrayed in OT scripture.

    What Israel had to do (as wife to Jehovah) was accept a belittled status, perform duties (rituals) and abide by the Master's commands.

    No earthly relationship would be healthy under such circumstances.

    When Christianity was on the rise, Gnosticism almost completely swallowed it up. Why? The OT God was identified as EVIL.

    This was very appealing to Jews who had low self-esteem and an abiding sense of frustration. It also appealed to sympathetic Gentiles since such

    behaviors as recorded for Jehovah against gentile nations was apalling and unconscionable in a loving God.

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