How Old Were You When You First Became "Aware" ...

by snowbird 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    ... of the opposite sex?

    It was the summer of 1966; I was a few months shy of being 13; it happened on our church ground.

    I was hurrying between two vehicles to get into the building, when someone blocked my way.

    Annoyed, I looked up to find this cute, cute guy looking at me appreciatively.

    He asked my name.

    I froze and blushed profusely, agitated and confused at the tingling feeling in my tummy.

    I didn't bother to answer him, but turned in the opposite direction and rushed into the safety of the church.

    I sat down beside my mother, took her fan and fanned myself furiously!

    Afterwards, I told an older sister about the incident.

    She gave me an envious stare and chided me for being so doggone shy.

    Ah, memories ...


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I was about 5.

    It was in the KH, and I saw this guy who was about 6 years older than me and I remember thinking, "hmm, he's cute".

    I was 7 when I had my first serious crush.

  • snowbird

    BP, you didn't let any grass grow underneath your feet, did you?


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Guess not, lol!

  • mrsjones5

    I was 5. I had a crush on a boy in my kindergarten class. I got someone to take a picket of both of us. I still have that picture.

  • snowbird

    Ditto what I said to BP, Josie.

    Isn't it amazing that some are early and late bloomers.

    Yet, we all manage to get to where we're headed.


  • Berengaria

    Yep, Kindergarten.

  • snowbird
    Yep, Kindergarten.

    Didn't older brother object?


  • Berengaria

    Are you kidding?? He was long since married and out of the picture.

  • Berengaria

    I wonder what the stats are on this subject for born ins vs not.

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