What if EVERTHING you believe to be true.....is a LIE?

by Terry 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    What if everything you thought was True turned out to be a lie?

    Too far-fetched?

    What if some of the most important "facts" turned out to be false?


    Does seeing your strongly held convictions shattered, refuted, disproved hold out liberation for you or a sense of doom and embarassment?

    That is what I propose to discuss!

    Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses already know far too well what this "doom" feels like.
    For many of us, our first idea of Christianity was refuted by Jehovah's Witness theology.
    Being honest people we replaced our "disproved" ideas with "better" ones. We embraced THE TRUTH.
    But, today we have had to discard even THAT notion as utterly false!
    Two heavy blows! Two honest mistakes. Leading us to where?

    Should we question our own ability to even recognize what is or isn't true?
    What makes us think we are capable of holding ANY idea of truth for very long?
    Are we forever doomed to hop frog-like from false truth to false truth?

    What if EVERYTHING you thought was true turned out to be a lie?

    Religious belief is a lot like juggling chainsaws. If one is skilled, practiced and accurate long enough the sense of accomplishment at such a feat is magnificent! But, one false move can end everything!
    How many fingers, hands or worse would you have to lose to GIVE UP JUGGLING CHAINSAWS?

    A careful look at history tests our notions of how dearly held beliefs have gone down in flames.

    If you are a Protestant, for example, no belief is more beautiful and dearly held than the doctrine of GRACE!

    We are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, apart from good works.

    But, did you know this doctrine was simply made up by Martin Luther at an historical moment in time? Before Luther there WAS NO (non performance) GRACE taught to devout christians at all.
    Before Luther, christianity was an institution: the Catholic (universal) Church.

    Catholic "grace" meant endless adherence to ritual performance, confession, attendance at mass, etc.

    All true christians were defined by how devoutly they practiced the faith IN TERMS OF obedience to this governing body of men who claimed for themselves AUTHORITY.
    The central authority was MAGISTERIUM. Whatever the governing body (Pope and cardinals) bound on earth was automatically bound in heaven. God rubber stamped (approved) the decisions of that governing body and backed them up. Official pronouncements by this body were inerrant.


    An uncorrupt God would lead an uncorrupt church.

    The Church became more and more of a failure. Corruption set in and ate away. The facts are clear now. If God Almighty was approving of such practices it meant God was corrupt.....or....the Church was a lie!

    The Magisterium or Teaching Authority of the Church

    by Fr. William G. Most

    By the Magisterium we mean the teaching office of the Church. It consists of the Pope and Bishops. Christ promised to protect the teaching of the Church : "He who hears you, hears me; he who rejects your rejects me, he who rejects me, rejects Him who sent me" (Luke 10. 16). Now of course the promise of Christ cannot fail: hence when the Church presents some doctrine as definitive or final, it comes under this protection, it cannot be in error; in other words, it is infallible.

    In stepped Martin Luther to challenge the corruptions and challenge MAGISTERIUM with a
    newly defined theology: SOLA SCRIPTURA.
    Luther made the BIBLE ALONE a new source of authority placed in the hands of the individual!

    Luther just made that up out of thin air!

    According to Martin Luther, there was NO AUTHORITY in the Catholic Church, but, only in the Bible! Both of these inventions: Grace and Sola Scriptura BECAME officially THE new TRUTH.

    Question: What is Sola Scriptura?

    Answer: Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone) is the doctrine that the Holy Bible, being the Word of God, is the only infallible rule of faith and practice for Christians in the post-apostolic age.

    The Bible is:

    1. The rule (standard, guide) of faith - teaching us what we ought to believe and how to live for the glory of God.

    2. The infallible rule - incapable of error, certain, not liable to mislead - because it is the Word of God.

    3. The only infallible rule - it contains the whole counsel of God for His people. Christians value religious teachers, but they are fallible (liable to make mistakes). We also value tradition as long as it is consistent with the Scriptures.

    When you were born and when I was born, Grace and Sola Scriptura were already in place for over a thousand years!! Yes, it was accepted, taught, believed and practiced in christianity.
    We accepted it the same way we accepted the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.

    History has already put the test to Luther's Sola Scriptura and REFUTED it clearly by the time we were born. But--few people noticed or cared!
    Protestantism is a swarm of self-contradicting beliefs at odds with themselves ALL OBTAINED FROM THE BIBLE ALONE!
    Joseph Smith, William Miller, Charles Taze Russell, Ellen White and a vast army of others
    have put the LIE to Christendom with LIES of their own.

    You and I, gentle reader, BOUGHT IN! We gladly tossed out our refuted lies only to embrace better sounding ones!

    All that is required for an honest person to change their mind and their heart is to be clearly shown we are holding on to a lie.
    We let go of the LIE. It is the honest thing to do.

    But, hold on to your hats--------this is what happens next..............WE JUMP BACK IN and find a NEW LIE to replace the old one!

    That is why I ask: What if everything you thought was true turned out to be a lie?
    Will you just jump to the next one? The next one after that?

    THE BUCK STOPS HERE! Willingness to question the most sacred TRUTH aloud is the only hope we have for avoiding more lies! Stop DEFENDING your deeply cherished TRUTHS and start examining them skeptically. If something is actually, factually true IT WILL WITHSTAND ALL TESTS!

    Many ex-JW's simply jump from the frying pan into the fire!

    They trade bible inerrancy for mysticism where they completely bypass any AGENCY of information and go directly to the imaginary source.
    Many of us have traded Sola Scriptura (Bible Alone) for Sola Deus (God Alone).
    God deals with each of us one-on-one in this instance of chainsaw juggling.

    Where is the problem with Sola Deus?

    There is no future in juggling chainsaws!

    I'm challenging each and every one of us to wake up each morning by facing this idea:

    WHAT IF our most deeply held convictions prove to be a lie? What then?

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith

    I don't have any more deeply held convictions. I keep hoping someone will convince me of something (i.e. God's existence/inexistence, evolution/creation, immortal soul/reincarnation/total annihilation, etc.) but nobody can present any evidence of any of it, so far, so I wait. AFter a lifelong investment in the JW's, I am not easily succumbing to another set of beliefs, and I am currently turned completely off on Christianity particularly, and religion in general.

  • Berengaria

    What if EVERTHING you believe to be true.....is a LIE?

    Wellllll, then I would be a pretty gullible and uneducated twit.

  • Terry

    Here is something to consider: Do we LIKE something because it is good...or...is it "good" simply because we like it?

    Is it easier to convince you of something you are repelled by or what you are attracted to already?

    As Jehovah's Witnesses we were attracted to NO HELL just as Pastor Russell (as a child) was repelled by the very idea of torment for the dead.

    Isn't that an easy sell?

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith

    I notice I do still find the idea of hellfire and the trinity unappealing. I like the idea of the immortal soul most likely because I still long for some sort of eternal life.

    So, I see your point

  • Terry

    What we tend to LOVE and hold dear may well be a matter of personal taste instead of hard thinking, testing and willingness to change our mind.

    FEAR of being wrong can cripple you.

    Never be afraid to be utterly, miserably, embarassingly wrong.

    It is really the only honest way to live. We spend far too much time on JWN DEFENDING some cherished opinion.

    I'd like to see a lot more skeptical enquiry!

    Remember those kings and emperors of old who had "food tasters" to avoid being poisoned?

    That was practical skepticism at work.

    Keep this in mind: you can NEVER go wrong being too skeptical. What is TRUE is made all the more dramatically clear by tests, criticisms and opposition.

    The one day an emperor did NOT taste his food (because of trust) might very well be his last day!

  • rocketman

    My "truth" is this: I go where the evidence takes me. If that means I have to change my thinking on something, then so be it. But I got to this notion only after leaving the jws and realizing that so many things that I thought were true turned out not to be so. It's a tough step that many here have also taken, as you state Terry. It's not easy.

    So now, I try not to hold on to any 'belief' too tightly. Evidence may come to my attention that will compel me to change my thinking.

  • Terry

    Belief itself is a dangerous addiction.

    Belief is a quick ticket to your own paradise. You can wallow in whatever you like and make it TRUE.

    No need for tests. Indulge in the glow!

    Belief is contagious. People are attracted to confidence and certainty.

    Others see your "happy" state and ask "Why?"

    You point to your belief and off you both go without ever testing that happy feeling of purpose and fulfillment until

    you end up in a room full of happy believers. And it is ALL A CULT!

  • Larsinger58

    Good question and an issue until something REAL that you believe in comes true.

    So this wouldn't affect anyone for whom something they believed in demonstraes itself in reality. So I would be out of the loop since, for instance, I've had direct contact with Jehovah. He had to appear to me and interact with me once I was chosen to be the messiah's identity at the second coming. So it's not a matter of belief or faith any more. The belief has been PROVEN. It has come true.

    Others are waiting for the confirmation I've been blessed to already have.

    I'm bout of the "guessing" loop at this point. I know.

  • Mad Dawg
    Mad Dawg

    Terry, what if everything the YOU believe to be true is a lie?

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