What if EVERTHING you believe to be true.....is a LIE?

by Terry 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ProdigalSon

    For me, the moment came around mid-August, 2007....I had spent 3 years building a "truth" website, and in one moment, I realized I had to take the whole thing down. Everything on it was bullshit. How do I know? It was all based on the "truth" of the Bible!

    What happened in that moment was LIBERATION from gloom and doom. It was like a load of 5 tons that I had been carrying around since childhood had been lifted off my back. I suddenly realized that I was WORTHY, and that we are all EQUALLY worthy. It's just that some don't know it yet.

    Then I began to understand how the Bible has been the single biggest impediment to the evolution of man in history. And that is why I'm so vehemently pissed at whoever had a hand in writing it.

  • trevor

    Everything I believed in did turn out to be a lie.

    Fortunately the underlying reality of life never lied to me and my roses still come out in the spring.

  • Pika_Chu

    This is precisely why I am a skeptic. And yes, I do question my own skepticism. There are few certainties in this world and many more questions and debates.

  • wobble

    I do not "believe" in anything, if by "belief" you mean trusting in something with no proof.

    Even that which I trust could prove to be false in some way, trust is easily misplaced.

    The thing is Terry, having woken up, and got out of, the "Trueman Show" that was the world of the Wt and Jw's nothing would rattle me, I would just shrug my shoulders and get on with things as they appear to be at the time.

    That appearance could be false, but boy, I ain't got much time left to find out, so I might as well enjoy wherever I find myself, and laugh at the Devil !

  • Berengaria

    So at what point can you say you "know" rather than "believe"? If facts and figures are not good enough, why bother? Keeping an open mind to new information, vetting before accepting, is always key. But at some point you have to realize some reality.

  • The_Present_Truth

    My new belief is "disbelief".

    1 Thessalonians 5:21 -

    New American Standard Bible(©1995)
    But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good;

    Words to live by .....


  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    Is Green really Red? Is a Television really on if no one is there to watch it? Is water really a liquid? Are there really clouds in the sky or is the sky within the clouds?

    This should be known as the forum where people ask "Am I really here?"

  • Terry

    Is Green really Red? Is a Television really on if no one is there to watch it? Is water really a liquid? Are there really clouds in the sky or is the sky within the clouds?

    This should be known as the forum where people ask "Am I really here?"

    Not a bit of it.

    Healthy skepticism allows facts to rise to the surface through a refining process of challenge, investigation and comparison to reality.

    This can certainly be taken to absurd ends, I'll grant you. Reasonable skepticism is healthy.

  • cult classic
    cult classic
    Does seeing your strongly held convictions shattered, refuted, disproved hold out liberation for you or a sense of doom and embarassment?

    After a life in the JW religion, I choose to be liberated!

    Those with strong "beliefs" and "faith" imagine that by using those terms they have it all figured out. Those words mean nothing to me. And to those who live by them, they mean whatever they want them to mean.

    Excellent thread and comments from everyone.

  • Terry

    If we had all dug a bit deeper before commiting ourselves, our life, our family to the CULT that appeared to be a shining city on a hill........we would

    not have been the people were were. So, it was unavoidable, really.

    But, where we are now---we have more choices. More REAL choices than ever before.

    We have peeked behind a curtain few persons in this world will even acknowledge exists.

    Think about that, will you?

    WE CAN SEE because we have seen.

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