I ended my bible study today

by still thinking 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Retrovirus Just curious, Do you study the bible on your own now or did you join a group?

  • tec

    I felt awful after ending my bible study too, and I didn't have as much time invested as you. Two years for me. I hurt the woman studying with me, since just two weeks earlier I had announced that I wanted to get baptized. Then this. I was also lost for a while too. But I wanted to study on my own, and to catch my breath so I could think for myself without a weekly study session that just reinforced what THEY taught, and didn't let me consider anything I thought.

    I also enjoyed being able to discuss the bible, even when I didn't see eye to eye, or just being able to talk about God... since there was no one in my life who I could talk to about this. That could be one of the reasons why I've talked so much on here this past year :)

    You'll find your way. You don't need religion to have faith. You just need Christ.


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Thanks Tammy, Its such a blessing to have people who understand. If I try to explain how I feel to any of my friends the will just think I'm nuts.

    Much the same as you I was at the point where I was seriously considering getting baptised.

    I can only say that God was looking after me because he gave me my partner who helped me to wake up and smell the roses. My partner grew up in a cultish environment (non jW) so he could see all the signs. But he lovingly never told me to do or not do anything. He just asked the odd question here and there that got me looking and thinking.

    I really am blessed, with a loving partner, friends and people on this forum I can talk to.

    Thank you ALL. I think this is my last post for today...and probably just as well.

  • transhuman68

    It's all good, still thinking. You would probably get tired of the JW's way of viewing the Bible as literal history & inerrant. Anyone who knows their Bible would laugh at their interpretation of Scripture.

    BTW, I've forgiven you for ruining my KILLER thread.

  • Retrovirus

    Stillthinking, I read it on my own, rather than studying it. I cannot believe it to be inerrant; too many internal contradictions! Still the KJV is good reading.

    I am a member of a small religious group with very liberal beliefs (rather like Unitarians) and we have discussion groups about every two months. A bit far from my home but I enjoy them when I make the effort.


  • Retrovirus

    Also I just read your earlier post. Yes, the religions that claim "THE TRUTH" are a racket, every one. It would be a mean God who sided with one sect and condemned the rest wouldn't it?

    You may wish to expand your Bible studies to studying the history of the time, or to other religious and/or philosophical works. It would give perspective, and there are courses and discussion groups. Not to mention forums!

    Happy exploring!

  • sizemik

    Hello again still thinking . . . just found your thread.

    At some point soon after my exit (after 25 yrs), I experienced a similar spiritual "void" . . . I labelled it the "spiritual widerness".

    I combatted it at first by praying directly to Jesus as a mediator and in harmony with passages like "Come to me . . . " "I am the way . . . " (you know the ones) . . . also Stephens example at the time of his death in Acts somewhere where he appealed directly to "the Lord" This helped a lot at the time, though I don't pray quite as often now.

    Also my Bible has all Jesus' actual words highlighted in red, and I restrict myself to only them quite often . . . they are still great principles.

    Also, Ray Franz's other book 'In Search of Spiritual Freedom' is well worth a read if you liked C of C.

    One other valuable piece of advice I received was to "allow place for the unknown" rather than try and "fill the void" right away

    I find little conflict now between Evolution (evidence or theory) and the possible existence of a creator . . . or even the authenticity of Jesus. The evidence is not conclusive enough to be theist/atheist with full conviction in my opinion. The WT only has their version of "worship" . . . nothing more. So long as what you believe does not conflict with real facts of certainty . . . then all else is possible . . . but mostly unknown.

    I don't believe either, that faith requires us to attribute "fact" to that which cannot be proved to a reasonable degree, and if God exists He wouldn't want us to "gamble" on possibilities . . . it's not reasonable.

    What you had to say in conclusion is very true . . .

    Just feeling really sad at the moment......but like all things I know this too shall pass.

    Living my life by Christian principles feels a good way to live for me . . . and that is the sum total of my (what anyone might call) "worship" . . . just a consciousness of those principles and a recommendation of them by my best example in living to them, according to my own estimation and nobody elses.

    Keep a 'critical' mind and an open one as well . . . and your mind will find a guarded peace . . . well, that's what I found anyway.

    As for lost friends? . . . some become close for sure, and they will feel the loss also . . . they are simply surrendering to the mind-controlling requirements of a "high-control religious cult" . . . rather then the alternative . . . at least, that is what the real evidence tells me . . .

    Hope this makes some sense and helps somehow

  • Black Sheep
  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    You were never studying the Bible anyway. You were only ever studying Watchtower books.

    Get yourself some books from the library about critical thinking and study them before you decide where you are going from here.

    You had a lucky escape. Make the most of it.


  • nugget

    At least you will not be wasting valuable time pusuing friendships that have no future. Their are good friendships out there with people who are interested in you as a person. What is great is that you are willing to try. There are people who are willing to discuss the bible they just need you to find them.

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