I haven't had an invite......

by watersprout 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • watersprout

    We haven't heard a peep out the dubs and it's frickin fantastic! No invitation, no phonecalls, no visits, even my inlaws have backed off! It's either a good thing and we have fallen off the radar or they are like ravenous animals and lying in wait ready to pounce.... Perhaps it because we made it clear we don't care if we are d'fed or not and they have nothing to frighten us with.

    I don't know and don't care what there silly plans are! I'm free of them and thats all that matters!


  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard
    I don't know and don't care what there silly plans are!
    I'm free of them and thats all that matters!

    Good for you watersprout.


  • nugget

    We haven't been invited either so it is just like all those other Jw events we were just not good enough to attend. I have other fun plans , I didn't want to sit in a room with people all dressed up judging me anyway.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I haven't had a single invite even though I have seen quite a few of them lately.

    They are out pounding the pavement seeking new victims, they have even called in for a coffee, but no invite.

  • watersprout
    Good for you watersprout.


    I didn't want to sit in a room with people all dressed up judging me anyway.

    Me neither, it would be a literal hell!

    They are out pounding the pavement seeking new victims,

    They have been walking up and down our street, but still no knocking! All the ones i have seen have been doing the ''pioneer plod''. If the end is soo near, the dubs seem very nonchalant about it.


  • jgnat

    Funny, some sisters knocked on our door not even an hour ago, and my JW husband was cowering in the dark, shutting off the lights, begging me to be quiet. He asked me to check out the window to see if they were gone yet. Acting just like those "apathetic" householders he's always complaining about. Perhaps because he's a little embarrassed, loafing around the house in his sweats...

  • Hairyhegoat


    We had them call on Monday morning and sleeping beauty was livid that these asholes rang our bell again when we told them to sod off 3 months ago in no uncertain terms... This woman called again and she must have shit in her brain and forgot we were apostates the last time brother numtea called with her.

    A massive shouting match kicked off on the drive as they tried to leave having been owned. We had shopping to do soon after and on the way out of the estate in Tamworth UK the mrs stuck her fingers up at them all God I hate these idiots, oh and by the way we told them to put us down as a do not call.

    If they call again the bucket of piss will be thrown all over them from the front bedroom... lol


  • crazyblondeb

    i got a memorial invite on my door, and someone left one at work..at the desk..

    they saved it for me, cause they knew i'd go ballistic, and they would laugh!

    came home and burned them both...

    sorry had to throw that in here!

  • watersprout

    Jgnat, does your hubby still go?? I take great pleasure in telling them i'm not interested! Lol

    HHG did the dubs start shouting back at you?? It makes you want to move house just to get away from them when they keep calling on you. Were really lucky that we have become invisible!

    CBD i only want a memorial invite so i can burn it! Haven't burnt anything dub related for ages. Having withdrawel symptoms! Lol


  • steve2

    Watersprout beware of invoking one of the laws of the universe: Just when you thought you were free of the JW-dandruff, the white blotches re-appear and that annoying itch starts all over again. You're not as free as you think you are. Bhwaa haaa haaa haaa.

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