I haven't had an invite......

by watersprout 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • watersprout

    I know, when i thought ''we haven't heard anything from the dubs'', i knew that i would draw them to me. Whoops!

    Putting all my easter decorations up might upset them. Especially since we have two witness family that live in our street! Oh and the big birthday banner and balloons i'm putting up outside for Carrots birthday! *evil cackle*


  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    My old study teacher called up two days ago...she gave me my invite. I didnt commit. In her defence, we just talked about the deaths of our mums and what was happening for both of us....she mentioned she was openning up her own business hiring cake stands.....it wasnt til she left that I realised..."Why is she doing that if Armaggendon is almost here...?"

    Oh well, whatever, Im not going.......she even text me yesterday saying shed give me a lift there and back. Still not going.

    Paula x

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