Termites Survey

by Iamallcool 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    Does anyone else see the Terminix ad?

    Is that a donut or a bagel?


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Broken Promises said No but I have seen them in real life.

    Where did you see them before?

    And I said: Look, stop being so intellectually lazy and Google the subject yourself. You tried to pull this kind of thing before under your previous username. Be an adult and do your own work.

  • Iamallcool

    Broken Promises, I am talking about your own previous experience about termites right now. Where did you see them before? Am I supposed to google Where did Broken Promises see termites before?

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Now this is a termite mound:

    I have seen these in real life in the Australian outback. They can be taller than a man and wider too (generally lol).

  • Iamallcool

    Broken Promises, I did learn something from the search engine before I start this thread, I just wanted to know if some of you do not know anything about termites like me.

  • Broken Promises
  • Iamallcool

    Why I have never seen this in the USA? Do you know?

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    It's because of the prevalence of McDonalds in America. The chemicals and preservatives in Macca's food kills the termites.

    You'll notice there's no McDonalds to be seen in these photos. That's why the termites are able to thrive.

  • AGuest

    Other than wood inspections, termites usually manifest when they swarm (usually in the spring), dear LC (peace to you!), not by "mounds" near your baseboards. Those are usually caused by either woodants... bedbugs... or other woodboring bugs. If the wood (in your house) is dry, then it's highly likely they're not termites (they don't usually do dry wood, unless it's pretty dead/rotted). However, if the wood has direct contact with earth, has been exposed to moisture and/or has dry rot, then it might be termites. I'm sure your Google search also suggested a termite inspection so as to tell; however, since you say the guy you contacted said it's not termites, my guess would be woodants, based on your description.

    Hope this helps and, again, peace to you!

    SA, CMH... on her own...

  • Watkins

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