A friend on FB shared this security tip with me and after realizing how crucial it could be with all the "man-in-the-middle" and data mining going on with FB I decided to share it with all of you in case you were like me and wasn't aware of it.
And after seeing what all it does I'm also curious if you're like me and wonder why FaceBook doesn't make it the default setting instead of the other way around.
Anyhow if you go to Account/Account settings/Account security, you should see a box that says beside it, Browse FaceBook on a secure connection.
Make sure to put a check mark in that box and then click save.
To check to make sure it is set properly, your address bar should now show https:FaceBook.com (notice it added the "s" for secure after http).
When you do banking online or other data sensitive issues online you are probably used to seeing the https on them and that is why.
If you are unsure of why you would want this setting on FB, I'd highly recommend to search on Google for https and read the Wiki article that comes up. It list all the benefits of using this security option when/where it's available.
Your friends on FB list will be much happier knowing that things they send you or that you post in PM's are more secure as well.
I was surprised at how many friends/family on my list wasn't aware of this option either.
Hope that helps with any fears and/or concerns you may have with Facebook security.