that is from page 31 and it is almost comical. Notice that anyone, even one that just tires of it all and quits attending becomes a "fornicator" etc.
re-enforcing the shunning of immediate family - WT 7-15-11
by undercover 172 Replies latest watchtower bible
This information is disgusting and evil. Shunning is a vile practice which destroys people.
To take it even further – to execute your own parents or children because they’ve made mistakes and/or don’t believe in an organization? They are foaming at the mouth to have these executions become a modern day reality. What better way to silence truth than to destroy it? Their shunning is an immediate mental and emotional execution and in some cases a slow process physical execution due to the number of suicides and/or mental illnesses which are induced by such unloving measures. They twist the scriptures and make themselves God and throw Jesus out. No wonder they make people deny him at every memorial. They fill everyone with fear so that their logical thinking faculties are frozen. You cannot love and be in fear at the same time.
They are very cunning and deceitful in their tactics. They set up the family unit in an unnatural way from the beginning – they set themselves up as the orienting factor of the family unit. They are the locus of attachment – not your husband, not your wife, not your children – THEY ARE. Human beings are beings of attachment and they cannot be loyal to two main attachments hence the inability of husbands, wives and children to access their love and loyalty for their child or their mate when they are attached to the organization. They have such fear of displeasing this evil entity that they are blinded to their natural state of love for their own flesh and blood. They are intentionally programmed this way. This is ultimate mind control. This is done on PURPOSE and with knowledge of attachment theory and human psychology. They know the evil they are committing. They know how to control people. They want power. However, what they have is not true power – what they have is FORCE. True power comes from love and that is the only way to conquer them. Love comes from the heart and what is repeatedly told at the meetings? The heart is treacherous! Do not listen to it. Do NOT lean upon your own understanding! The heart is not treacherous! The heart is our FREEDOM and our source of truth, compassion and love.
For those who may be lurking who shun your own family – please think about this:
When you placed your children into a daycare or with a babysitter – did you just hand your precious children over some stranger? Or did you interview them, do a background check, references, check out multiple people so that you can find the most loving, secure and trustworthy person? After you found the perfect person did you just leave it at that or did you continue checking up on them? Did you ask your children how they felt, did they feel secure, or if anything strange happened or something that could be dangerous? You kept making sure the person was loving and trustworthy!
How many of the governing body have you interviewed? How many of them did you reference check? How many have you met PERSONALLY? Can you even name all of them? Can you tell me about their personality, their likes, their dislikes, their tempers? How do they treat their family? Do they have kids? Can they show you their certificate of GOD APPROVAL? What do you truly know of these men?
Now for children who shun their parents: Go through the same process! You KNOW your parents! You see their hearts, you know THEM. They gave you life! They took care of you when you were small, sick, hurt yourself, needed love and attention. They were there for you. What did the GB do for you today? How do they replace the love of your parents?
Each and every day you shun your family you hurt the people who are closest to you and who truly love you. Read the stories here – see the damage that is being done! Ponder upon the family that you leave behind and are hurting. You are trading your family for people you don’t know! You are placing your life in the hands of people you have never met! People you have never had in your homes and you don’t personally know. WHY? Because they say so? Use your intellectual capacity here. See the hurt that this organization forces upon people. See the trail of broken families.
Next time you see your parents or children - look into their eyes – see the pain, the anger, the hurt – see them! You have shunned them when they needed you most. You traded what is right in front of your eyes for a lie.
Sit with your heart. Listen to it. Feel the truth. Get rid of the fear. Choose love and compassion.
Set yourself and your family free.
How would Jehovah feel, though, if the parents of an unrepentant wrongdoer kept putting Him to the test by having unnecessary association with their disfellowshipped son or daughter?
I could say something like this:
Jehovah can take that test easily. Didn't Satan test him and failed? How can he be worried about our "testing him"? By the way, in what way are we "testing" the Almighty?OR
Jehovah is a loving god. He had a son himself, and this son was killed, so he understands how parents would feel. In Jehovah's case, the son only died a worldly death, not a real death. In the case of our son, our child will suffer eternal annihilation, at Jehovah's hand, when Armageddon comes in all of its horror...
Hey! How come the parents would not find Jehovah's behavior objectionable?"We serve him well, our son is dumb and goes astray, and He is simply delaying the moment to kill him?"
"Hon, what do you say? Do we forget about Jehovah, since we may not make it to Paradise Earth anyways, and we choose to have a relationship with our son instead?"
"You know how I love him, but Jehovah comes first. How can I endanger my relationship with Jehovah just so I can share with him the time left, which is anyways reduced?"
"I keep thinking of the time we shared with him"
Black Sheep
I've just covered this subject with my JW wife by talking about the behaviours of other high control cults, so this is good timing for me.
the pharmer
That was a great post.
I found it very disturbing that in the Photo illustration of this greiving couple, it shows the son walking out the front door packed with his belongings. Very subtle how the GB encourages parents to turn their backs on their disfellowshipped children going as far as kicking them out of their home! Like a previous post stated earlier...PURE EVIL!!
so where are the jw apologists on this?
Thanks LostGeneration! It comes from the heart. Something that they can't take away from any of us.
Our hearts go out to those parents. After all, their son had a choice, and he chose to pursue his unchristian lifestyle rather than to continue to enjoy close association with his parents and other fellow believers. The parents, on the other hand, had no say in the matter.
Westburo Baptist Church has mirrored rederick.
The "free will argument" is made of swiss cheese and only works on drooling rank and file members and I don't count all of them in that category.