Awwww...people miss me

by Coffee House Girl 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    So my mom tells me that my JW niece (whom I have known all my life but has made zero attempts to contact me after I left jdubland) told my mom that she misses me,

    she was invited to a "get together" at a married JW's house and I always went with her to those things before because she is single (because of the narrow field of good JW brothers who want a 30something pioneer who lives with her parents), and I was "spiritually single" (because I had no scriptural grant for divorce because of adultery-he skipped town)

    but now she had to go alone and she didn't want to (but she figured she had to go, otherwise people would stop inviting her to do things), and big suprise from a JW "get together"...she didn't have a good time.

    aaarg how depressing for her... I had to respond to my mom, so I said:

    "Tell her that I miss her too, and tell her that I am NOT DEAD, but I am here and she can call me whenever she needs me, anytime."

    I hope my mom passes on the message, it will probably come across to a hardcore dub as a slap in the face because "I know better, I know that I am scum because I dont go to meetings anymore and I have the gaul to enjoy a happy life-I know better that she can't talk to me"

    but I felt that I had to try anyway-


  • jamiebowers

    ...sigh...she doesn't mis you. She misses you being a dub.

  • VampireDCLXV
    ...sigh...she doesn't mis you. She misses you being a dub.

    Wow. Quite a way to put it. I don't know how I could possibly disagree...

    We missed you, though.


  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    Thanks Vamp and Jamie,

    sadly my sarcasm doesn't come through in my writing but I did recognize the fact that she only misses the JW drone, she doesn't want to know the real me...but I still felt the need to say something that made me sound like a human being.

  • wasblind

    " and big suprise from a JW "get together"...she didn't have a good time "

    Hi there CHG,

    it's not a surprise to me, anytime your freewill is restricted, you won't be happy

    she really didn't want to be there but was afraid not to go because of the fear

    of not bein' invited anymore, my guess is she knew no one there may have taken any

    consideration on how she felt bein' a single woman in a situation where there were

    quite a few couples. But yet she endured it for the sake of the association

  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    Hey wasblind,

    you hit it there...I never thought of it quite that way but you are right, I remember doing the same thing...going to get togethers that did not interest me because I felt I needed the "good association"

    I would always be nervous and dreading going...finally I would work up the nerve to attend & I would just be counting down the minutes until I could safely leave without making people wonder what was wrong with me.

    now I know that I don't miss it.....when I was still living in the area every monday nite when I went to run at the community center in my town a would see a large group of dubs who were taking a spanish class together walking out when I was walking in, they were laughing and talking together (purposefully ignoring me) but I thought to myself....I really don't miss it at all.

    now I can be free to join any club I want (college has a ton), or in my case don't join any at all (haven't found one I like yet, and that is okay)


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Yeah, the elders said that they missed you, too... but they're reloading.

    Tell your mom that you've been meaning to call your niece, but you've been too busy living a full, satisfying, rich life... and you're so sorry that she's been so unhappy lately.

    How's that for sarcasm?

  • Finally-Free

    Every time I was sick my ex would come home from the meeting and tell me about all the people who "missed" me. Usually these were people who never even said "hello" to me.


  • nugget

    Isn't it funny how people miss you but make no effort to contact you. It is as if they can only have dealings with you if you fit the JW pardigm otherwise you are unworthy of the effort.

    It is also telling that they miss what you bring to the relationship that is convenient for them.

    In JW world you have to always prove yourself worthy of attention, and worthy of affection all these things are conditional on you being seen at meetings and out in the service.

    I had friends in the organisation that would call and say they missed me and I appreciated that but none of them called to enquire why I was disfellowshipped because in JW land although a non attender can be pitied a df'd persom must be shunned.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I've always said, "Well, you (or the other person) knows where I live and has my number. If they miss me so much, they can contact me."

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