Awwww...people miss me

by Coffee House Girl 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jadeen

    Finally-Free, the same thing happens to me. My parents tell me that so-n-so missed me, and the majority of the time it's people who never talked to me when I was attending.

  • Searchn4answrs

    Misery loves Company...

  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    All your comments are too true indeed

    I wish I could help my nice...I know she is not happy

    I have been studying in school Jane Addams and her efforts to improve quality of life and bring democracy to all (not democracy as a political system but instead equality and faith in humanity to work together to make life better for all) and I have been thinking....

    how do I help those I love work for change when they are sheep that will not even move out of the pen, wont even look at the opening in the fence? (too deep of a question for a friday...)


  • ssn587

    When people say they have missed you they are lying, they just don't know how to say it without sounding like the assholes they really are.

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