Reason for new study editions and the topics within.

by hotiwitabody234 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • hotiwitabody234

    I might be rambling on...
    I attended the meeting tonight. I'm not sure how it is in other halls. There are about 120 publishers in our hall, in the midwest. Im part of the generation below 25 years old. I'm also the most educated person in the hall, lol(bachelors degree). My age group 0 to 25 is the smallest group in my hall. I dont know why this is?

    Reading through everyones comments about the new simplified study edition.

    I put together some points that I find interesting I would appreciate anyones thoughts or comments.

    1. I think they are trying to separate the weak jws from the strong ones. They are using this temporary edition to estimate how many strong ones there are. So they can institute possibly new light about 1914, new blood stuff, etc.

    2. Look at the generation they created of people not getting an education. They dont have a choice but to provide an dumbdowned watchtower for half of the followers. Many of the homeschooled kids dont finish high school. I know one person in his twenties with a 6th grade education. Several others who are considered fre/soph, Who can barely read. While they have older ones were are generaly superior in education and give more complex watchtower comments than compared to younger generations. Many of these comments often conflict with what the watchtower says.

    3. I think this stance on apostates will be effective for the strong jws until a certain point. Initially, they will feel that they shouldnt view any apostate literature because they will automatically be deemed an apostate once they do that. They will believe the second they view or go researching they will become this ex demon jw that will immediately never believe the watchtower again, so they will refrain from it. However, this will work for so long. Humans are naturally curious. Eventually, people will research things when prominent members such as elders, ministerial servants, etc leave the organization or are disfellowshipped, etc.

    4. My first three points all back up this point. The article discusses shunning family. So when your son views this website and is considered apostate, dont talk to him ever again. This is where things will become even more interesting. Many people will continue to have contact with family regardless. The FAMILY will be the downfall. People will be forced to choose between family or the kingdom hall.

    Sifting through the article scares me. I guess thats what is it designed to do, lol

    To be honest I have no intention of destroying peoples faith.

    Thanks for your comments...


  • pubtruth

  • inbetween

    I dont think we should read too much into this simplified approach of the WTS.

    The growth, in especially western lands, is due to immigrants, with poor English skills. Mostly they attend the Watchtower study, with a puzzled face during many paragraphs, and comment sometimes saying "Jehovah" or "Jesus loves us" etc...

    For those people, it is important to get the point: Obey the slave, then you can get saved....

  • inbetween

    sorry, btw, welcome hotiwitabody234

  • hotiwitabody234

    pubtruth, thanks for shooting my post down, jerk, lol.. jk

    inbetween, ya that makes sense, im just kinda speculating i guess, No offense to mexican americans but it makes sense...


    ps hi to you 2...

  • jeckle

    As i read this topic I imagine all the r&f sitting in a meeting or CA or DA clapping about this sort of thing being read or included in a talk. And then i remember that line from revenge of the sith.Where padme says something like "so this is how democracy ends with resounding applause.(only add freedom in place of democracy)Although they havent had that for years but everytimee you turn around they take more freedoms away. i once called it theocratic socialism but i should have called it theocratic communism" and it really is from beginning to end.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Illiterate brothers was my crisis of faith. We attended a ghetto KH. I thought only ghettos had KHs for a long time. We were the only whites. I always read many grades above grade level. I did not do as well with math but reading was like breathing. I grew up with some vague knowledge that Peter murdered a nice couple who did not turn over their money. The Witnesses taught the only unforgiveable sin was sinning against the Holy Spirit. This made no sense to me. Peter's actions in Acts doesn't seem to have anything to do with the triumph of the Ressurection and a God who gave his only begotten Son. It turned around in my head. I figure the WT was written on a fifth grade level.

    One Sunday the WT study proceeded. I was bored out of my mind so I paid great attention to reading comprehension. HOw I hated KH. WT study was better than some idiot brother jawing away, though. I was able to read. The brothers, while trying hard, did not understand the question or the answer. They gave the wrong answer. It was the very opposite of the WT. I sat there and was stunned that the Holy Spirit let them do it. I read it many times and reached the same answer every time.

    I knew if I mentioned it or corrected them I would be murdered or beat severely so I held my peace. My father was more brutal than Jehovah. I bided my time. I worked myself into a panic about the Holy Spirit sin. Jesus is loving but Jehovah has a blood lust. It went on for years. Finally, I matured to the point where it did not matter. I did not want to live on earth with these people. Armageddon death was the way to go.

    Now I'm Episcopalian. We all chip in money to get a priest who has a B.A. or B.S. and a seminary degree. Priests know Greek and know how to read on a fifth grade level. The apostles were prob. illiterate so I guess the moral is not an educated clergy. I asked the priest last week during Stations of the Cross how he kept the Synoptic Gospels straight and could also include John. It is complex. The Witnesses demand a lot from people they purposefully rob of a basic education. The dummy JW jokes will increase as the gap between a standard Western education and Witness wides b/c of technology. A college degree is a basic degree now. It had status when I was young. No more. Too many idiot schools.

    We know too well the reason the Witnesses ban education.

  • Philadelphia Ponos
    Philadelphia Ponos

    Sheesh ! Get off your high horse buddy. Being the most "educated' person in your congregation doesn't make you the most intelligent person in your congregation. With over 4,000 colleges in the United States everybody and their mother has a bachelors degree. The only people who don't have one are the people how can't afford it. The Watchtower produces a simplified English version because the vast majority of growth in this religion are from people who speak English as a second or third language. It has nothing to do with intelligence. Judging by your logic and multiple grammatical errors in your post, it's obvious that you're not nearly as smart as you think you are.

    P.S. My favorite line in your post is "give more complex watchtower comments than compared to younger generations". Where exactly did you get your degree from?

    @Band on the Run

    Interesting. So because you and your family were the only "whites", that made the Kingdom Hall "ghetto"? Can you clarify your statement for me?

  • wobble

    Welcome hotiwitabody234 !

    Ignore the vituperative comments above, I see where you are coming from, but sometimes we give too much credit for underhanded slippery machinations to the WT when in fact they have stumbled in to a course of action in their usual bumbling way.

    The simplified English version is probably produced to do as suggested above, but I do thoroughly agree with you that those who have a bit of savvy and can use the Internet, regardless of their level of education, will find out the truth about the WT/JW religion in no time.

    I was born in, in1950, and the dumbing down has been progressive throughout the decades, and relentless, they have forced themselves in to this downward spiral, as you have observed, the generation who are now becoming adult, and staying in the religion, are nearly all badly educated, or their education is limited, or both.

    They really will very soon deserve epithets like DumbDubs, the educated will have fled.

    Welcome again, I hope to hear more from you soon.

  • TotallyADD

    Hello and welcome hotiwitabody234. I am with wobble on this one. Think about it I to was born in 1950's. I am also a born-in. I have a high school education. On the learning curve with my peers I already falling short. My children born-ins their learning skill has fallen even more because of lack of education. Their children as born-ins will experience the same thing if something does not happen in their lives to change it. Lucky for me my children both have a high school education and both have 2 years in trade school. One child is now working on a bachelor degree. Both told me they will have their children go to college. Being in the cult causes many families to be disadvantage when it comes to education. I can see were those who speak serveral languages this WT will help but I can also see the those 3nd and 4th generation born-ins using it also. Good thread and welcome. Totally ADD


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