Prayers for my daughter, Ali, not a good update

by coffee_black 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • EmptyInside

    I am sorry to hear this about your daughter. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. I really hope things improve.

  • OnTheWayOut

    So sorry to hear this.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Safe trip and best wishes to all of you. Wishing a new strong heart for Ali asap.

  • palmtree67

    Sending angels of healing and strength your way......

    (((( Ali ))))

  • tec

    You are both in my thoughts and prayers as well. My grandfather had a heart transplant fifteen - twenty years ago. He was the oldest person to receive one (in Canada anyway), and it went wonderfully for him.

    Strength to you,


  • Snoozy

    AGuest, thank you so much for your advice and knowlege on Diabetes! I also have a friend that is having problems as hers dips really low. She was also on Lisinopril and is now having a heart problems . From her symptoms I too suspected the lisinopril as I had taken it and watched as my kidney function tests started going downhill..I couldn't understand why I was so tired and weak..tests were run and I was taken off the lisinopril My numbers returned to normal!..That stuff could have killed me! Thankfully I have a Dr that works with me and doesn't just sit around and quote numbers. She helps me find out why they may have changed.

    Coffe I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. I pray for strength for all of you to get through this..hoppefully some of the advice you are getting may hit the nail on the head and help..

    Big Hugs for your family


  • coffee_black

    Shelby, she is definitely type 2. It started with gestational diabetes with all 3 pregnancies. The last one was 7 1/2 years ago. Then 4 years ago she was diagnosed with type 2. She didn't have it growing up. Her primary care physician suggested insulin this morning...but Ali wants to hold off because an insulin dependent diabetic can't qualify for the transplant list. She's between a rock and a hard place. She is going to see an endocrinologist at her primary care physician's direction, but that may not be before the surgery on Tuesday...if that happens.

    I talked with her a little while ago, and she doesn't want me to come down...wants me to use my time off when she has the transplant... which could be a while because as I said before, if she is insulin dependent, it disqualifies her for the transplant list. The cardiologist plans to do the surgery on an outpatient basis. He is head of cardiology at Florida Hospital, in Winter park.

    I'm sitting tight for the moment... on pins and needles.

    Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers.


  • coffee_black


    I just reread your post. I will have Ali check with her dr.... but for much of the 4 years she has known about her diabetes, she has kept it under control by diet only... so I assume she is producing some insulin. Every time she gets sick though, she has issues.


  • AGuest

    I hear you, dear CB... and again, the greatest of love and peace to you, your dear Ali, and your households!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I am a diabetic and it is my very minor illness compared to some whopping ones. Jesus is present with you. I sincerely believe that whatever the outcome. I've read studies where prayer helped. Hope it does now.

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