Would You Care If You Were Disfellowshipped?

by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    JeRK, I'm thin skinned yet YOU are the one that was offended? You're something else.

  • Morbidzbaby

    Minimus, then why would she go along with it? That's what I don't get about these people. If it FEELS wrong, if it FEELS unnatural, why would you go along with it???

    Anyway, as of right now, YES I would care because the impact on my life would be HUGE. When summer comes, however, I'll be gone from here so they can DF me all they want. My bf has actually told me I should just DA and have done with it. He understands I don't want to play by WT rules and give them the satisfaction, but he thinks that it's a high price to pay for keeping my pride. I risk people knowing where I've moved to and sending the locals (who will be met at the door with a shotgun...he doesn't play around and he DOESN'T want them at his home). I risk being DF'ed anyway if/when people find out I'm living with a man who is still legally married and soon to be divorced, so a DA won't even matter at that point. A part of me thinks he is right and that I should just do it. Another part of me thinks that I should just live my life and let the chips fall where they may.

  • minimus

    When you're 85, sick and not long for this earth, you deal.

  • JRK

    I wasn't happy with my outcome, I had to come to grips with it later. I found out about the UN scandal 1 1/2 years after I got DF'ed. It freed me of the guilt that gripped me when I got the big D. It was only through education and matureation that I moved beyond this. I can cut loose my sisters (one that I don't care about, and one that I love and is misguided).

    I am not happy or sad of my outcome. It is just a fact of life. Just as the organization is not what we thought it would be. It is just fact, and I have to deal with that.

    Thank you for finally sharing a bit, mini.


  • Morbidzbaby

    Min, I would think that that would be a reason NOT to go along with it. When you're not long for this earth, you tend to cling to whatever and whoever you have. Even my JW grandmother was kind and loving to her DF'ed grandchildren and didn't push them away.

  • exwhyzee

    Good question Minimus...I have thought about this too.

    Getting DF'd would put a period at the end of this run on sentence as to where I stand with them. It would also make it appear to my still "in" family members and friends who still talk to me, that they have the official green light go ahead to start the shunning process. It would be interesting to see if they would really do it.

  • JRK

    My mother is 87, and she deals with it. Don't puss out, mini. Grow some stones.


  • minimus

    I think the Watchtower Society is evil. They are heartless and not Christian in any way. They are modern day Pharisees. If they could kill anyone rather than df them, that would be wonderful too!

    They are Jewish fanatics who claim to believe in Christ.

  • minimus

    JRK, what is your issue with me?

  • minimus

    I get it! You're Johnny.


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