Awww Mommy is pouring Skeptic another Rum and wonders if Focus needs a drink You both are on my list of highly respected posters, and I am glad that you have been able to end it this way. Is it possible to gain even more respect for someone?
Now for my response on the original thread I am of the mindset that a person may commit a murder and never have a history of violence. Rage is a weird thing, and can overcome the best of us. You must take in all of the evidence and circumstances that are involved in this case. As Exjw's we know what most of thsoe circumstances were if his wife was becoming indoctrinated.
She is no longer spending all of her evenings at home with her husband. She is spending more time away in field service. She is singling out the children for their family bible study, excluding him. Perhaps the children are going to her more now and seeing her as the head of the home. Perhaps the limited time he has to spend with his family is being robbed by the org and even their thoughts and actions have changed. Jokes she once would laugh at, are now met with a deadpan look or even worse a look of disgust. She is bubbling over with her enthusiam and he is feeling more and more alone. Everything he has worked for up until this point in time is changing and he is losing them. This poor guy is now living in the Twilight Zone!
As Focus already posted there are documented places that the org has encouraged seperation of families. We know this to be a fact. They may make it sound good and upright but even as a child I could see it was another way of lieing and being decietful. I am so glad I no longer have to deal with that.
My hope is for the children, that they are not pulled into the org because of this. I hope they can find a way to see all of the facts and make a decision that will encourage a happier life, not snuff it out. If only they know what we know...they would run very far away from it all.
When I leave, you will know I have been here