dos it really matter if someone drinks the wine and eats the crackers??!

by highdose 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terra Incognita
    Terra Incognita

    No, it doesn't matter if you eat the crackers and drink the wine. Can I bring the beer?

  • lil princess
    lil princess

    wanna piss off a witness, tell then you refuse their easter party. i zm not here talking blastphemy, i am really trying to incite ome free thinking. oops house is on fire. guess god showed me. oh it is just a battery... must be satan testing me.

  • lil princess
    lil princess

    its cool just a smoke alarm. oh shit i got owned by god. ill never post on this unholy site again.

  • saltyoldlady

    Godrulz - You have a PM. I answered all your questions in a private memo because they did not directly relate to the thread. If you wish to start a new thread on these items and use my letter to you that is fine with me. That might have been a better response that would include others in on what might be a fine spiritual discussion. Your choice. Salty Old Lady

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