Interesting. I've had a few moments regarding seeing or rather feeling that connection to "everything" on a profound level. One was a dream which I'll never forget but for which words fail in describing. Basically I just questioned the existence of god and why it never answers or has an active influence when I suddenely levitated to a height of 100 feet and felt rather than heard "I am" resonate in every atom in me and around me as one "voice". It wasn't the voice of a person/entity but a sublime force that resonates in everything continually but which I only "tuned in" for a moment but one that was eternity, since the beginning and forever. It was more than I could bear and shook me to the core, like overload on a circuit just before it pops. I wasn't afraid as it resonated within me as well since I was part of this material world but I realized power beyond my understanding and yet it gave me the feeling that everything will play out as it should. This was long after leaving the dubs and at a point where my atheistic beliefs were pretty much set. It was only a dream but a profound one.
God \ Universe
by ballistic 46 Replies latest jw friends
When the collective unconscious has made its way to consciousness and an archetype is in a dream there are strong feelings toned into it that make it have a deep impression on the conscious mind to balance it and perhaps change it in some way.
While we may be a complete atheist the unconscious is not because all the gods of primitive people are a projection of the inner workings of the upper layer of the unconscious, that's where myths come from. Maybe the dream was to get you to be not to onesided in your atheism? Just a guess you would know better than me since it is your dream.
As regards the thread topic, super string theory postulates some rather interesting possibilities for our universe beginning and how our concepts of time and space are just constructs of looking at our little "pond". The idea of multilple dimensions within and beyond our own answers a few outstanding issues about relativity and the four major forces as well as giving a reasonable hypothesis for a theory of "everything", the symmetry of things large and small. There is, oddly enough, a documentary series about Stephen Hawking that among other things introduces one to the basic string theory called "SH and the Theory of Everthing". He almosts concedes that string theory holds promise for the much sought after grand unified theory. Couple this with some sublime Mandelbrot fractal math of the infinite self similarity inherent in nature, a fattie and some navel gazing and one might believe that we are on the brink of a revolution in thought and understanding of the universe around (and within) us. However such understanding will never answer why. Thus one must find their own answers, ultimately IMO.
@Frankiespeaking - that's the thing about dreams; they're a projection of our innermost hopes, fears and thoughts but cannot provide anything definite about the "real" world, only our observation and interepretation of it. Reality being that when you sleep, I still exist and vice versa. Good points though.
There's quite a few trains of thought in this thread that are really interesting. Does anyone have any other web sites for further reading? I'm primarily interested in the conjuncture between philosophical understanding of reality and meditative methods and various interpretations?
I suddenely levitated to a height of 100 feet and felt rather than heard "I am" resonate in every atom in me and around me as one "voice". It wasn't the voice of a person/entity but a sublime force that resonates in everything continually but which I only "tuned in" for a moment but one that was eternity, since the beginning and forever. It was more than I could bear and shook me to the core, like overload on a circuit just before it pops. I wasn't afraid as it resonated within me as well since I was part of this material world but I realized power beyond my understanding and yet it gave me the feeling that everything will play out as it should. This was long after leaving the dubs and at a point where my atheistic beliefs were pretty much set.
If only you knew, dear Twitch (peace to you!)...
It was only a dream but a profound one.
A dream, yes. "Only" a dream, perhaps not:
Look! In this you have not been in the right, I answer you;
For God is much more than mortal man.Why is it against him that you contended,
Because all your words he does not answer?For God speaks once, And twice—though one does not regard it—
In a dream, a vision of the night, When deep sleep falls upon men,
During slumbers upon the bed.It is then that he uncovers the ear of men, And on exhortation to them he puts his seal,
To turn aside a man from his deed,
And that he may cover pride itself from an able-bodied man."You can find that passage at Job 33:12-17.
Basically I just questioned the existence of god and why it never answers or has an active influence
I think you missed the point... and purpose... of your "dream", dear one:
I realized power beyond my understanding and yet it gave me the feeling that everything will play out as it should
The point? He was answering your questioning of Him. The purpose? To help you realize... and so cover... your pride. As your words "I realized power beyond my understanding" show you did. Unfortunately, you apparently let it stop there... rather than continuing to "seek" an understanding to what you experienced, why, and from Whom. There's still time, though - the Door has not yet been shut.
Again, peace to you!
A slave of Christ,
Carl Jung says that there is no formula for understanding dreams,,but they are like a royal road to understanding the unconscious which is far more vaster than the new kid on the block namely our consciousness.
Energy of the psyche works like electricity which is polarized. It follows the principle of yin and yang or the law of opposites. The unconscious usually communicate in a dream thru opposites. Like if we are thinking way too much of ourselves we may have a dream of where we are naked in public,, the opposite and in this way it can balance the consciousness one sidedness.
That's why I suggested it was balancing some one sidedness of the ego consciousness.