HHG You can bring some of that 30th!!
i just came back from the memorial
by J. Hofer 54 Replies latest jw friends
It was very hard for me to stop attending the memorial, but I have not been in 7 yrs and this one makes 8. The first year I did not go I made unleavened bread and wine and celebrated it myself. After that first one, I got over it. It is just the same old sanctimonious bunch and I just can't deal with it anymore. They more or less assumed I was an apostate so I am not exactly on their "wanted" list.
I recall a man who was not a JW, ate a cracker and drank some of the wine at our memorial a few years ago. You should have seen the audience, you could have heard a pin drop.I never saw that man again. Maybe the elders got rid of him. LOL
I didn't realize that tonight was the Memorial. I didn't get any invite, but my neighbors got a door hanger yesterday.
I feel like having a drink before I have to attend this evening. It helps me to relax. There will be the fragrance of alcohol i the air.
i just celebrated it with my family at home, which il always do in remeberence and its something that shouldnt be knocked just becouse you used to do it at kh,but then all you ones who dont beleive in god anymore can do what u like but if you do beleive then its diff,dont be doisraspecting what jesus did for us if u still beleive,
I'll be going tonight too, at 7:30 EST. The wife asked me to go so I said yes. First time I'll be going to a meeting with our one-year old baby. Don't know anyone at the Hall, so that's good. Also kind of sad in a way... but I'm not sure if I'd rather have people there I know or don't know. It's been about 5 years that I've been fully inactive, so I've had a chance to play the "unbelieving husband" part, although it's always a little awkward. Usually I prefer JWs to think I've never been babtized, been a Bethelite, MS, etc., and just act pleasantly clueless.
This is the second one I have missed but the first I have deliberately not attended.
Wasn't invited either. Thought I might get a phone call or e-mail but nothing!
Lady Lee
Memorial ???? Good grief I haven't been to one of those since 1985
I doubt it has changed much so I am certainly not missing anything.
Sargeant Pepper
16th time I missed today!