Well like exdubs my adult life has been a horried rollercoaster of ups and downs
Whilst attending a marriage counselling sesiion for the first time last week, the counsellor told me that is appears strongly that I have PTDS and linked it back to my childhood as a dub
I started doing some research and memories came flooding back
Ironically just 2 days later the dubs knocked on my door Saturday morning. My instant reaction was "NO! Im a D/A... BYE" coz I know they WONT talk to me, so that was a *PHEW* moment.
but yeah it got me thinking and I have a LOT to work thru.
I joined this site hoping to find old friends and learn some ways to get past the BORG thinking that is screwing my life.
My details:
Carol (32 years old)
Hobart Central / Hobart South Central (after congo split early 90's) Tasmania Australia
D/A 1996