New Here - originally from Tassie now in QLD

by RADHESYAM 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious
    I joined this site hoping to find old friends and learn some ways to get past the BORG thinking that is screwing my life.

    Welcome to the forum!

    You D/A'ed 15 years ago and you still have debilitating PTSD symptoms? Jeez, their child conditioning programming is a behemoth. I have been out 2 years and it's just as strong as ever. This place sure does help.


  • s0rt3d

    Hello Carol. You'll find this a wonderful place. Very helpful in dealing with all the negatives that come from being ex-JW. Good Luck in your journey to recovery and a truly wonderful, full and happy life!

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    welcome I think I had some PTSD from the whole JC and then later DA. It messes with your mind. This is a good place to talk and learn how to heal


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