I'm pretty sure everyone here has been "counseled" with this little gem. "Oh sure, that does seem impractical" or "yes, Brother Headup-Hisass shouldn't have done that.......BUT you must remember that we are dealing with imperfect men."
Did I do that?
Few responses insult your intelligence as much as the above statement does. Are we really to accept that someone who takes a position where they wield considerable influence and authority over weak-minded people can operate with zero accountability, even having mistakes written off as "imperfect men"? Really?
Physicians are entrusted with special duties and responsiblities concerning the health of their patients. They are issued licenses to operate and dispense drugs to heal a person. Therefore, if a physician was lazy, incompetant, careless and unqualified, resulting in the death or harm to their patient, would it be reasonable to expect the victim and their family to simply write off the physicians actions as "human error"?
Hi, everybody!
Now, I'm all for the realization of human error. Pencil have erasers, no? Yet we are not speaking of simple everyday errors that are minor annoyances. We are speaking about specific positions of authority whereas if the appointed person isn't qualified, great harm could result.
Is it wrong to demand a higher standard from these men, instead of overlooking their mistakes or lack of (real) training as "imperfect men"?
What say you?
I'm listening...