According to scriptures the Elders use, like James 5:14 and Hebrews 12:11, if you have any problems or "secret sins" you MUST confess them to the Elders and take your lumps. When my faith was on a downward slide, I just didn't have the nerve to talk to any Elders about my "secret sins". I just had this feeling that I'd get crucified for it if I did but according to the BOrg, this fear was unjustified. After reading various threads here, I now know that my fears WERE justified after all.
Many Elders are indeed incompetent boobs who cause a lot of damage and we're supposed to trust them with our emotional wellbeing? I don't think so! These window washers and janitors are telling people not to seek mental health services and/or assistance from the authorities. These morons cover the asses of child molesters, wife beaters and rapists. These guys are corrupt and power hungry and not to be trusted. Their investigative committees and Judicial Committees are often little more than exercises in voyeurism and abuse of power. What's indeed frightening is that there's little or no accountability...