So...this years memorial came and went.
On Saturday my Mom called to invite my wife, myself and my two little girls to the memorial on Sunday, I said thank you but said that we won't be going.
On Sunday my older sister called inviting us also.
We didn't go, since my eldest daughter asked about it, I explaine dit to her and asked My wife and Her if they wanted to do it at home and they said yes.
So after dinner, we all partook of Our Lord's sacrifice and I explained to my daughters how the taking in of Christ's body and blood is symbolic for become One with Christ and God.
We always remember Christ and his sacrifice and last meal whenever we eat and "say grace" but, becuase of the whoel memorial meal thing, we decided to do a little more.
I read from Luke and John.
It was very nice, very special.
Then this morning at 8:30 AM my Mom calls and reams me for 40 min over the phone.
Why anyone would think that I or anyone else would want to be a part of an organization that fills people with som much venom and spit, is beyond me.
She basically said that she gives up on me, that I am taken by Satan, that Satan is working through me and leading me and tha her heart is borken for my little girls.
My mother...
My heart is broken, there is a pain in my gut...