This Years Memeorial and MY heartbreak

by PSacramento 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • PSacramento
    Your mother is afraid.

    My mother keeps breaking my heart Syl...over and over...where is the love? where?

    I appreciate the support guys, means so much to have a place to vent, where people know that pain that this organization causes.

    I pray over and over for Our Lord to open their eyes and I know that He never forces belief but I still pray that one day they will see the truth.

  • jamiebowers

    I'm sorry you're hurting, but it sounds as though it's time to set some boundaries. Don't ever let someone scream at you and say nasty things.

  • PSacramento
    One small thing that might bring you comfort is to focus on your precious children and how you will raise them without implanting such hateful cult thinking into them.

    I try Donnie, I really, really try....

    But to see my Mom so twisted, to hear such venom..ah hurts.

  • mythreesons

    I'm sorry you have to deal with that! I'm in the same boat and virtually had the same experience this year as well. I like the idea from leavingwt....focus on the kids and not teach that kind of hate to them EVER!

    I know it's gutwrenching!

  • zoiks

    I'm really sorry for your pain, bro. I am anticipating the same phone call from my mother. I don't know how they can live with such constant negativity in their hearts.

    Edited to add:

    One small thing that might bring you comfort is to focus on your precious children and how you will raise them without implanting such hateful cult thinking into them.

    What LeavingWT said. This is something that helps tremendously.

  • Finally-Free
    Then this morning at 8:30 AM my Mom calls and reams me for 40 min over the phone.

    I'm sure you probably love and respect your mother, but you need to love and respect yourself too. Never let anyone ream you out for 40 minutes, or even 5. If that happens again, tell her you love her and you'll be happy to talk to her when she can be more reasonable. Then hang up the phone.


  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    I also have had the:

    "your breaking my heart...."

    I cry and cry...." etc

    from my mother.

    This has made me feel guilty in the past, because, being normal, I dont want to hurt my mother.

    I am just starting to come to terms with the fact that I must give up on her.

    She cannot hold a different view from the Borg. Its too late for her.

    And there is no way on this earth that I will put a foot inside a KH again, for anything.

    So its an impasse. It is very sad, but I cannot win her from them, and so I must go on without her.

    I think it is the same for you. Its just hard accepting it.

  • snowbird

    I've mentioned on here before that my little JW daughter semi-shuns me on an as-needed basis, such as Memorial time, Special Talks Sunday, and conventions.

    It hurts, yes, it does, but I'm able to forgive her because the scales haven't fallen from her eyes yet.

    I don't take any mess of her, though.

    You shouldn't take it off your mom, either, PSac.


  • PSacramento

    I know I need to be strong and I forgive her and I don't want you guys to think that I didn't give as good as I got, perhaps more so.

    I made it clear that I will not expose myself or my family to the erronesou teachinsg and hypocracy of that organization and that I will certainly never be part of a memorial service that isolates God's children from the saving grace of God and Our Lord's sacrfice.

    It's just that it pains me to admit to myself that ANYTHING I say means nothing compared to what the organization says.

    No matter how much scriptural base I have against what they do, it doesn't matter.

    I just don't know if I can turn my back on them...they're my family.

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    You mustn't turn your back on them. However they may turn their back on you.

    That is the difference between the Borg psuedo christians and us......unfortunately.

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