"Jared Diamond is a real hoot!
In his book COLLAPSE he gives 12 reasons why Society's collapse.
Take a look at Diamond's 12 reasons and tell me how many apply to the American Indian."
First, my response. Then I’ll give my opinion of whom we’re dealing with here.
Terry has absurdly conflated and confounded two very different subject matters from two very different books.
The book I cited was Guns, Germs and Steel. It deals with the subject of why PRIMITIVE HUNTER GATHERERS did not advance technologically over other societies.
Collapse , by the same author, explains why ADVANCED SOCIETIES often times collapsed. It made no reference to hunter gatherers.
So Terry tried to confuse the issue at hand by bringing in a completely different and irrelevant subject about completely different types of societies.
It is obvious that we’re dealing here with an ideologue who, like many other ideologues and members of our beloved former religion, simply cannot and do not even wish to understand anything outside of their mental framework.
asleif_dufansdottir :
· you belong to a social group which prides itself on having the only right answer to a difficult situation and mocks and belittles those who don't have similar beliefs/understandings
· this group's claims and beliefs may sound like 'common sense' to the average person at first but require extensive 'buy in' as you go deeper
· the group thrives on 'attacks' by the 'enemy'
· you wave around publications you say contain the 'truth' and the 'real answer' (tm)
· outsiders who remain unconvinced have no patience in "discussing" a topic with most group members because the group member does not really engage in honest discussion but instead rattles off "the party line" while vigorously refusing to hear one word anyone who's not a group member says, and instead mocks them for blindness and stupidity...
To which I'll add:
- Name calls without reason. Post 10651.
- Lacks the courage to answer the toughest question posed.
· Appears to be using "cult language" which he does not define but gladly flings at us. Example, “ You, on the other hand, seem to have no opinions that you will own. Why is that?” Post 10653.
· Does not admit to gross contradictions. Example; this comment of his, directed at me, about his mentor, " You are fatuous if you think I have any interest in defending the rantings of silly old woman who shot from the hip”. Yet he blissfully proceeds to praise her later. Post 10653.
· Claims that Ayn Rand should be respected for her achievements for the same reason we should respect a child rapist for building a magnificent skyscraper. His exact statement from post 10639, “ If an architect is a child molester and builds a fantastic building why should we decry the architecture?” Yet mindlessly contradicts himself by mocking other authors because they’re involved in a lawsuit. Needless to say, Terry the ‘sniper’ does not even bother to address himself to the basics and merits of what that author said.
· Claims that Ayn Rand should be respected for her achievements for the same reason we should respect a child rapist for building a magnificent skyscraper. His exact statement from post 10639, “ If an architect is a child molester and builds a fantastic building why should we decry the architecture?” Yet mindlessly contradicts himself by mocking other authors because they’re involved in a lawsuit. Needless to say, Terry the ‘sniper’ does not even bother to address himself to the basics and merits of what that author said.
· Does not admit to gross contradictions. Example; this comment of his, directed at me, about his mentor, " You are fatuous if you think I have any interest in defending the rantings of silly old woman who shot from the hip”. Yet he blissfully proceeds to praise her later. Post 10653.
· Claims that Ayn Rand should be respected for her achievements for the same reason we should respect a child rapist for building a magnificent skyscraper. His exact statement from post 10639, “ If an architect is a child molester and builds a fantastic building why should we decry the architecture?” Yet mindlessly contradicts himself by mocking other authors because they’re involved in a lawsuit. Needless to say, Terry the ‘sniper’ does not even bother to address himself to the basics and merits of what that author said.
· Claims that Ayn Rand should be respected for her achievements for the same reason we should respect a child rapist for building a magnificent skyscraper. His exact statement from post 10639, “ If an architect is a child molester and builds a fantastic building why should we decry the architecture?” Yet mindlessly contradicts himself by mocking other authors because they’re involved in a lawsuit. Needless to say, Terry the ‘sniper’ does not even bother to address himself to the basics and merits of what that author said.