Terry; you’re beginning to look like a non-Christian version of Perry.
Concerning what you wrote and my responses below let me say that most of your statements are outright meaningless. It looks, though I’m not familiar with them, like they are Objectivist phrases. That reminds me of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, who habitually state their talking points even though they have no relevance to the point being discussed.
So let the games begin:
I personally don't really care about Ayn Rand's opinions of the American Indian. I'm unaware of the reason why YOU DO.
Her opinions (which are also those of most of her followers) about Indians, or any other persons not having rights, is relevant to the extent that:
· That they contradict her own philosophy.
· That they are followed by Objectivists who would use her rationalizations against any charge of inconsistency.
· That her opinions are actually consistent with her philosophy of Objectivism.
More importantly, Terry, if you didn't care why were you defending her position in the first place?
So I remind you once more of what you said and its being a partial citation of Ayn Rand’s statement. A statement, whose overall context, was the justification of Europeans taking land away from the Indians.
Rand's argument concerned the fact that the American Indian never bothered IMPROVING their lot in life beyond being nomadic hobos."
If you had no interest in defending her ranting, then why did you not simply admit that my reference of her statement was correct and that you simply disapproved of it? You really knew all along what she had said in its entirety.
I don't personally have a stake in the plight of the American Indian. I'm unaware of the reason YOU DO.
The reasons I make those statements about Indians is based on something that Objectivism apparently has no comprehension of. Altruism.
I think Objectivist Philosophy is consistent with itself. I assert that Christianity and its practioners is INconsistent.
That's about the total of my contribution to this discussion.
Having consistency in a philosophy is irrelevant to the morality or amorality of that philosophy. As I said before; a psychopath can have a consistent philosophy.
If you want to pick a fight TAKE A STAKE in it.
Where are YOU coming from philosophically?
Until you state YOUR position you are only hiding behind a safe wall and throwing dirt clods.
As for “picking a fight”, I guess that coming to the defense of oppressed people is considered by you to be an aggressive act.
As for where I’m coming from philosophically, don’t you think that a person’s philosophy could be deduced from his writings?
Should it then surprise me that you don’t see the “position” that I clearly took? And hiding behind walls? Why comment any further on this ridiculous point?
You are fatuous if you think I have any interest in defending the rantings of silly old woman who shot from the hip.
She had her opinions and made them clear. I have my opinions and I make them clear.
How amazing that a “ranting”, “silly old woman who shot from the hip” penned such a brilliant philosophy! How logical it is to expect such “consistency” from silly hip shooters.
You, on the other hand, seem to have no opinions that you will own. Why is that?
That question is definitely meaningless and it seems to me that it is another Objectivist phrase that you are flinging at me; like "dirt clods" from behind the "safe wall" of your soulless, don't give a rat's turd about those whose plight you don't have a stake in, philosophy.
Whatever statements I’ve made are either facts or my opinions. There’s no rational basis to claim that “I don’t own” my opinions. I’ve acknowledged my opinions here and now; but in my previous post I had no reason to talk silly, like you are, and explicitly say, “Hey folks, this is one of the opinions that I own”.
Is there a magical word or phrase, that Objectivists believe you should utter, to state the obvious? Or do I have to prove that I own my opinions by presenting a deed or other certificate of ownership?
The silliness or fatuousness is yours.
"The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities."
Humanity consists of The One, The Few and The Many.