I got a text message from my sister at 1:45 am that said: "I just told (my other sister) that I am disassociating myself."
We have been texting back and forth and I guess she told my mother the same thing.
Memorial night seems to have been the clincher for her - she was very upset about three interactions with the elders and I guess she just had it.
We did talk a little bit that night and I very carefully mentioned some research I've been doing. I didn't get into it too much.
But she basically agreed that like me, she believes in God, Jesus and the Bible but not so much the 'Organization'.
She is going to be talking to my family more today. I told her to be careful because they are just going to switch it into high gear to 'save' her.
And I suggested that she try talking to someone unbiased and recommended a good friend of mine who is very aware of the issues involved in regards to family and the religion but is not a JW.
I asked if I could give her my opinion and she readily agreed. So I said that maybe she could just tell our family that she done with the religion and that if they can't accept that and try to force the issue she will disassociate herself.
Apparently my mother suggested something quite similar which was quite surprising.
For now, I'm just going to sit back and watch what unfolds.