Petitebrunette -- it's a cult. You are the only sane one out of the lot. Be glad you're out. Take care of yourself. Your situation is what it is. No regrets.
My Grandma's dying...I found out by way of an impersonal text message.
by petitebrunette 27 Replies latest jw experiences
@ laverite- you're absolutely right. Thank you.
jean-luc picard
Im sorry to hear about your grandma.
My own mother is aging and I wonder , the time come,if I will go to her funeral.
I imagine doing as willyloman suggests: a memorial of my own, by the graveside.
Sadly, another example of "brotherly love".
What did someone say?
What you are doing is shouting SO loud I cant here what your saying.
Very apt for the jw clan.
I'm sorry about your grandma...and sorry you had to find out this way. I'm going to agree with the others...if you had a good relationship with your grandma, you may want to pay your respects so you will not have any regrets. If not, I say screw the lot of them and don't worry about their judgments.
@ sir82, I'm nose-ringed, spiky-haired, and soon-to-be tattooed...never did the coke thing, and happy to be female lmao. I guess I proved them right on a few points, eh?
Mad Sweeney
I am going to have a secular service for my parents and our worldly relatives so that none of us have to set foot in a Kingdom Hall. Let the Borglings hear their own sales pitch. I'll be elsewhere honoring my parents.
I remember that some who used to post here did not get notice at all. They asked how they could find out and I said that the Social Security Death Index could help them put their wonder to rest.
I'm glad you did get some notice from your family rather than find out years later. Having your own memorial might be good.
man in black
I'm sorry to hear about your Grandma, your feelings regarding her are more important than a twisted religious belief.
Follow your heart, and act on what you feel is right.
I don't disagree with you about not attending.
In the jw world, a funeral is not to honor the dead but to help the living mourn. I don't blame you--you really have no motive to help anyone mourn, nor would your presence do so. It would just give them an opportunity to feel superior to you and to try to make you feel less-than for leaving the flock.
If you feel a ritual would help you mourn, or you feel grandma is watching from above and would feel honored by a ritual, you could do your own....
Mean people suck.
Thank you! I'm afraid if I attended a funeral I'd just burst into tears, and imagine how'd they run with that! "She's so unhappy!" etc...