there are 2 classes of ex Jehovahs witnesses

by the max 48 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • leavingwt

    WontLeave: My experience and your experience couldn't be more different. MOST of the JWs that I knew and met were wonderful people.

  • unshackled

    If your friends pride themselves on NOT having been DF'd, then they really haven't stopped thinking and being like JWs. They are judging themselves and you based on the GB's control system. Dump 'em.

    Outlaw, what's wrong with that dude's arms? Something bothers me about his arms.

    That dude has useless little T.Rex arms. Looks just like this fella...

  • DanaBug

    Wow, wontleave! Judgemental much? I was homeschooled and thrown out for letting my "trashy personality...get the best" of me. Guess we can add a third class of ex-JWs, smart moral apostates that look down on the stupid trashy df'd ones.

  • nugget

    idiots and snobbery exist everywhere. In or out of the organisation these people were a waste of time. It's already been said but find better friends.

  • cantleave

    You are part of the real world now. Different people act in different ways. You don't have to be friends with everyone, just because they once in the same cult you were in.

    Find people you genuinely like, quietly drop those you don't. Live your life your way, without harming others.

  • wasblind

    JW's are taught to be very judgemental, the only thing that changes

    when they leave the religion is that they become EX-JW's who are

    still judgemental.

  • the max
    the max

    MR Falcon, get on message dude, Even after we escape , ex dubs are still using the same ridgid criteria to determine who is a suitable for friendships, and who is not , It wont make any difference to me, but its there non the less,Our latest member, an elder, who left his wife and 2 kids, to go off with a french girl, Still insitsts on having bible studies with his children, even though he is fucking this girl, and leaving his wife and 2 kids, They are more delusional than I can can comprehend,Also when they (elders) come into the (world) They and most ex JW,s crawl to them. That is sad, but what can you do, thats the mindset of our EX JW friends, personally I like to correct them,

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    the max - cool, sorry I'm alittle slow. I get what you guys are talking about now. It's kinda strange but I've know JWs who were secretly up to no good, but all the time even when they were among other JWs who they were doing naughty things with, they would all sit around and talk about doing things according to Jehovah's righteous standards! It was almost like they were in denial or something.

    WontLeave: My experience and your experience couldn't be more different.
    MOST of the JWs that I knew and met were wonderful people.....LWT

    I saw both sides..JW kids are inquizitive..

    They want to try everything the WBT$ says,everybody in the outside world does..

    Of course the outside world is nothing like how the WBT$ paints it..

    The WBT$ creates 99% of their Own Problems..

    ........................... ...OUTLAW

  • free2beme

    Judgemental thinking is in all groups, as small as a group of two. One will see the other as not being the way they want, or something, and judge. However, I know your point is having to do with the former Witnesses, so I will address that.

    Since I am one of those 'faders' and actually decided I did not believe it and left and never turned back. I have at times seen myself as different from those who were disfellowshipped. I will explain. You see, the day I accepted that I did not believe it or see the organization as anything but men in suits. I did not respect the elders, the congregation or the society. I did not return calls, accept invites to meet with them or speak with any of them. I was told by one former elder, now a former Witness, that I was 'treating them like useless idiots and it was obvious I was out.' So basically, I was out in both mind and body.

    Now, with disfellowshipping, I see something different. I see someone who still wants to be in the congregation, under the organization and yet live their life with mistakes not acceptable by the society. So they meet with elders, confess sins and wrong doing, and basically throw their lives on them to be judged and hopefully accepted. Realizing that they are humbling themselves, and asking for forgiveness from people they see to be representatives of Jehovah.

    You see, that defines two groups. Another group you did not mention are the disassociated. One who see the organization as something they seperate from and follow what those in authority say is needed to be done to seperate. While, I may see myself more in line with the disassociated, I do not see myself in line with disfellowshipped individuals as much. As part of me, will think inside, 'are they still seeing them as something or someone to listen to?' or, 'Did they really think they could break the rules in stay in?' Which are valid thoughts and I think it is worth admitting to.

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