The first book I read (that wasn't a novel or school asigned) that change my life was "I'm OK your OK." I read it when I was back in Bethel.
It puts forth the idea that all of us have three major qualities in dealing with life.
The adult personality..... is the concept of reason. It ask the questions of why, when, who, where, what.
The child personality.....playfullness and emotional and sometimes irrational.
The parent personality....the parent has all the rules/dogma. Do this and don't do that. This is what is right.... and that is wrong.
It said that the churchs were always "Parental." With the additude of "We know what is really best for you...since you are only a child"
I really didn't what to believe it at the time. I was hoping that "my church" would be more like an adult.
Well... I found out the book was right. Churches never want to encourage reason.....reason is like death for the churches.
That is why they only want your obedience!....just like your mother lol.