Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts
"I'm OK... Your OK" What Books Have You Read, That Have Changed Your Life?
by Was New Boy 20 Replies latest jw friends
The Power of Myth
Mad Sweeney
The Power of Myth
Another winner. I've seen the documentary series but not read the text. Is it basically the same? Joseph Campbell really understood what we're made of, IMO.
Low-Key Lysmith
Mad Sweeney wrote:
American Gods
Another of my all-time favorites. My screen name is taken from that book, as I'm sure you probably noticed.
I've been a Gaiman fan since the Sandman comic books. HBO is working on a mini-series adaptation of American Gods right now. I sure hope they do it justice. I have faith. HBO rarely cranks out a turd.
I actually went to a reading/book signing by Neil Gaiman in Portland, OR when Anansi Boys was released. He was very friendly and personable.
Was New Boy
Other books that have changed my life.
"Many lives and many masters: Brian Wiess
"Conversations with god" Neale Walsh
"The dark night of the soul" Carolyn Myss
"Seat of the soul' Gary Zukof
"The power of now" and "The new earth" by Erhart Tolle
OK, this is lame, but Angels and Demons by Dan Brown changed my life, lol.
I was intriqued by the illuminati storyline and decided to go googling on the subject. Well, I guess I have to thank the kooks out there that believe that Russell was a Freemason and Illuminati, because sure enough, I found a webpage by David Ick that talked about Russell and the Illuminati. That lead me to other JW related information which began to open my eyes about the organization.
Oh, and I've read a few other books on history, politics, government, religion, and philosophy, too :)
1988-9 Crisis of Conscience , Jehovah of the Watchtower Walter Martin, The Four Major Cults Anthony Hoekema, Apostles of Denial Edmond Gruss
Since leaving the Watctower, I'd say the AA Big Book.
Reading online has changed my life more than paper books.
: The first book I read (that wasn't a novel or school asigned) that change my life was "I'm OK your OK." I read it when I was back in Bethel.
The first book I read (that wasn't porn or school assigned) that changed my life was "I'm Dysfunctional Your Dysfunctional." I read it when I thought about going to Bethel.
It changed my life. The porn helped, too. The porn I saw was much healthier than Watchtower porn, which was degrading and filthy and disgusting and kills people.