Happifying? Real WT quote, or are we joking -

by james_woods 56 Replies latest jw experiences

  • james_woods

    Maybe I just missed it, (the story of the word) - but I am seeing this word "happifying" in a lot of threads.

    Can it possibly be that the WT actually printed this???

  • designs

    Someone with the CDROM Watchtower could look it up for us. The word was used by COs during their visits.

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    I am almost certain they did; would have been a few years ago though, when we would indeed be happified to hear such elating words nearer the 'pure language of truth'. Couldn't put my finger on it just now, but it's got to be in one of the publications...if it was easier to do a search, I'm sure someone could find it...Blondie??

  • james_woods

    Ahhhh - COs. Enough said.

  • baltar447

    OH yes!

    *** w97 10/15 p. 27 Good News of Paradise in Tahiti ***

    A couple of years ago, Brother Jamet was able to recount the marvelous blessings from Jehovah. “Since 1975 a great effort has been put forth to take the good news to all the islands and archipelagoes in our territory, which covers an area as large as Western Europe. The results have been happifying

    *** w95 2/15 p. 24 Dominican Republic—Still Open to Discovery *** With much territory not regularly visited by Kingdom publishers, effort is made to preach to people on buses and those who come to the cities to do business or to shop. This has led to happifying results, as illustrated by an experience in connection with a letter received by the branch office

    *** w92 3/1 p. 9 What Kind of Security Do You Long For? *** Certain success marks the steps that Jehovah God is taking even now to bring to mankind durable and happifying peace, security, and prosperity in vindication of His eternal sovereignty. *** w91 12/15 p. 8 par. 1 Rejoice in the Kingdom Hope! *** “THE happy God.” (1 Timothy 1:11) How well this describes Jehovah! Why? Because all of his works bring great happiness to him. Since Jehovah is the Source of all good and happifying things, all of his intelligent creatures can find happiness in their association with him. *** w90 1/1 p. 13 par. 16 “Not Ashamed of the Good News” *** 16 The good news today is happifying news of a royal government that has already been established in the hands of the Messiah. And that was just the WT in the 90s. Here's the word count: WT: 35 Awake: 6 Books: 4 Yearbooks: 3 KM: 1 Brochures: 1 Now, here are the results for Happified (only1!): WT: 1 *** w54 6/1 p. 339 par. 12 1926 Ushers In a Time of Great Happiness *** This lack of accurate knowledge constituted a real trial of their faith, but those who endured under that test were greatly blessed, happified.
  • wannabefree

    *** w97 10/15 p. 27 Good News of Paradise in Tahiti ***
    A couple of years ago, Brother Jamet was able to recount the marvelous blessings from Jehovah. "Since 1975 a great effort has been put forth to take the good news to all the islands and archipelagoes in our territory, which covers an area as large as Western Europe. The results have been happifying.

    *** w95 2/15 p. 24 Dominican Republic-Still Open to Discovery ***
    With much territory not regularly visited by Kingdom publishers, effort is made to preach to people on buses and those who come to the cities to do business or to shop. This has led to happifying results, as illustrated by an experience in connection with a letter received by the branch office.

    *** w92 3/1 p. 9 What Kind of Security Do You Long For? ***
    Certain success marks the steps that Jehovah God is taking even now to bring to mankind durable and happifying peace, security, and prosperity in vindication of His eternal sovereignty.

    *** w91 12/15 p. 8 par. 1 Rejoice in the Kingdom Hope! ***
    Since Jehovah is the Source of all good and happifying things, all of his intelligent creatures can find happiness in their association with him.

    *** w90 1/1 p. 13 par. 16 "Not Ashamed of the Good News" ***
    The good news today is happifying news of a royal government that has already been established in the hands of the Messiah.

  • pirata

    "Happyifying" is not a word in the sense of being in the dictionary (well it is in the online urban dicationary and undictionary), but it was used o few times every few years or so in Watchtower publications up to the year 1998. The word is absent after that, but makes one brief appearance in 2009:

    *** pc p. 19 par. 4 Cultivating Faith in the Creator ***

    Is it not most satisfying and happifying to worship and to have faith in such a God?

  • james_woods

    I am truly happified - a new word has been born.

  • snowbird
  • Sapphy

    If I was a bored Watchtower writer I'd try to get happifying in an article every month. I'd also try to get "it is reasonable to assume" and "evidently" in as well - oops look like they already do...

    Jesus spoke on the mount of olives, evidently olives are a healthy snack food endorsed by the Christ for Christians.

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