Happifying? Real WT quote, or are we joking -

by james_woods 56 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AnneB

    Happifying was one of those words....when you heard it from the platform (especially at a District Convention) you were supposed to start into a big round of applause...even if you just finished one, as in a one hour talk about annual statistics.

    It was most happifying to see that the number of full time publishers increased in Vulcanola where we now have a grand total of two! (applause)

    And we were most happified to learn that Nastyland has removed the ban on Kingdom Publishing and our brothers are up to their elbows in mud and straw, building a beautiful new Branch Office with funds entirely obtained from their own contributions! (applause)

  • Happified

    Hello everyone. Been lurking here for a year or so and just recently joined the group. Been meaning to introduce myself and this thread and its title have been the catalyst. I recently heard the term happifying in a talk. Wondered what it meant to be happified and so ran a search on the wt library. Here is what I found in the wt 6/1/54 issue page 339.

    "These great truths we now know. But the delivered remnant did not know them then. This lack of accurate knowledge constituted a real trial for their faith, but those who endured under that test were greatly blessed, happified."

    Thought this could be applied to me by extension and possibly to others as well. Thus the inspiration for my username.

    Learning the truth about the Truth® is not always a happifying experience, but after all is said and done, are we not truly blessed, even happified.

    Short Intro: Former elder. Still active but fading fast. . . for lots of reasons

  • Morbidzbaby

    *giggle* Welcome to the board, Happified!

    Sorry, guys... I thought this would be appropriate LMAO (and in the beginning, he talks about "fornification" LMAO)


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Learning the truth about the Truth® is not always a happifying experience, but after all is said and done, are we not truly blessed, even happified.

    My hope is to never be happified ever again. But your point is taken.

    And welcome to the forum!

  • AnneB
  • snowbird
    Still active but fading fast. . . for lots of reasons ...

    Welcome, indeed, Happified.


  • blondie

    Another popular word is "overcomers" which they still use. Some of these words and phrases are from older bible translations that the jws (after 1931) used and bible students used (prior to 1931).


  • pirata

    Happified, welcome to the board! I'm happified to meet you!

  • Morbidzbaby

    Good gravy, they're sounding more and more like George W. Bush...

    If they print "strategery" I'm gonna flip lol

  • nugget

    This is what happens when you deny people a basic education they make up words.

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